

Maryland Opens Rental Housing Works Application Period

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has announced the opening of the application period for its Rental Housing Works (RHW) program. RHW is a gap financing program for projects funded using DHCD’s Multifamily Bond Program (MBP); RHW applications must be submitted in conjunction with a MBP application.

NH&RA News

GAO Report Finds NMTC Program Proportionally Serves Rural Areas

The Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) recently released a study conducted by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) that found that the CDFI and New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Programs were meeting goals set for proportionally awarding organizations that serve rural areas.


Industry Response to HUD MIP Increase

A group of national trade organizations representing organizations involved in the development, construction, ownership, and management of market rate and affordable multifamily rental housing and health care facilities sent a letter to HUD regarding the agency’s recent increase of mortgage insurance premiums (MIPs) for certain FHA multifamily housing, health care facilities, and hospital mortgage insurance programs for commitments to be issued or reissued in FY2013.


Kentucky Accepting Applications for PBRA Vouchers

The Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) has announced it will accept applications for Project-Based Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers on Monday, June 25, 2012.


HUD Releases Policy on Eligible Indebtedness

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has issued Mortgagee Letter 2012-8 that sets forth HUD’s policy for defining the indebtedness eligible for refinancing in connection with healthcare (Sections 232 and 242) projects, and in connection with multifamily projects to include interest rate swap termination fees.


Alaska Publishes New Q&A for 2013 QAP

The Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) has compiled a new list of questions and comments regarding the proposed FY2013 GOAL Program Rating and Award Criteria (QAP).


HUD Releases Guidance on Prepayment, Refinancing of Section 202 Loans

HUD recently published Notice H 2012-8, which provides guidance for the pre-payment and refinancing of Section 202 Direct Loan projects, and supersedes all outstanding policy regarding Section 202 Direct Loan pre-payments.

New Jersey

New Jersey HMFA Proposes Amendments to QAP

The New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (HMFA) is proposing amendments to the state’s QAP that would provide more incentives for the development of homeless family units, encourage development of mixed-income properties, and limit development in areas already containing a large number of LIHTC properties.

North Dakota

North Dakota AG Issues Opinions on LIHTC Property Valuations

The North Dakota State Attorney General, Birch P. Burdick, issued an opinion letter regarding the usage of rent restrictions or tax credits in the valuation of LIHTC properties.


HUD Retracts Notice 12-19 Re: TPVs

HUD recently issued Notice PIH 12-20 which retracts a former notice, PIH Notice 12-19 titled “Implementation of Funding for Tenant-Protection Vouchers for Certain At- Risk Households in Low-Vacancy Areas”.


IRS Issues Final Qualified Contract Rule

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued final regulations that provide guidance concerning LIHTC owners’ requests to housing credit agencies to obtain a qualified contract for the acquisition of a LIHTC building.


IRS Issues Guidance on LIHTC Property Disposition

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Revenue Procedure 2012-27 to inform taxpayers of how to notify the Internal Revenue Service of any increase in tax resulting from a reduction in the qualified basis of a LIHTC building in order to begin the 3-year statutory period for assessing a deficiency.

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