

HUD’s Latest Best Practices Report: Seattle, Washington

HUD’s Office of Policy Development & Research has released its latest Best Practices Report for the High Point Community Revitalization in Seattle, Washington.


Alaska Requests Comments on LIHTC Qualified Contract Process

The Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) is soliciting comments for proposed Qualified Contract process applicable to Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) property owners who have not waived their right to resale for their LIHTC properties.

NH&RA News

Treasury Releases Sample Combined Application for Section 1603

The Treasury Department has released a sample Combined Application for the Section 1603 cash grant exchange program for energy property on which construction began in 2009, 2010, or 2011.


CTCAC Schedules Geographic Apportionment Forums

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) has announced that it will hold forums throughout the state to discuss its proposal to update the underlying data and corresponding percentages of the competitive nine percent geographic apportionments, effective in 2013.


NCAHMA Spring Forum Power Point Presentations Now Available

NH&RA / NCAHMA is pleased to offer the Power Point Presentations from our recent FHA MAP Market Study & Underwriting Symposium and Affordable Housing Underwriting & Policy Forum, which was held March 28-30 in Washington, DC.

NH&RA News

Census Bureau Releases 2011 Housing Vacancy Survey Statistics

The U.S. Census Bureau recently released its report of housing vacancy survey statistics for 2011. The statistics provide vacancy rates and characteristics of units available for occupancy at the national level, as well as for regions, states and the 75 largest metropolitan areas.


Illinois Senate Passes Bill to Modify Historic Tax Credit

The Illinois State Senate recently passed S.B. 2886, a bill that would allow project sponsors to transfer tax credits earned from the restoration and preservation of qualified historic structures located in River Edge Redevelopment Zones (RERZ).


California Senate to Vote on AB 1585

The California State Senate is set to vote on AB 1585, which would transfer balances in California’s recently dissolved redevelopment authority (RDA) low- and moderate-income housing funds to local housing agencies to be spent specifically for affordable housing.


HUD Releases Comprehensive Market Analyses for Three Areas

HUD’s Economic and Market Analysis Division has released Comprehensive Housing Market Analyses for Fort Worth-Arlington, Texas; Houston, Texas; and Reading, Pennsylvania.


Maryland Accepting Comments on Rental Housing Works Program

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (MDHCD) is accepting comments on proposed guidelines for the new Rental Housing Works (RHW) program. RHW is funded at $17.5 million for FY 2013.

NH&RA News

Census Bureau Releases Population Estimates for Metropolitan Areas

The U.S. Census Bureau recently released population estimates for metropolitan statistical areas and micropolitan statistical areas, the first population estimates to be released since the 2010 Census.


New Urban Institute Report Examines Relationship Between Public Housing Transformation and Crime

A new report entitled “Public Housing Transformation and Crime: Making the Case for Responsible Relocation,” published by the Urban Institute examines the relationship between public housing transformation and the instances of crime in neighborhoods where displaced residents move.

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