

ULI Seminar: Understanding and Utilizing NMTCs in Your Development Deal

The Urban Land Institute will hold a seminar entitled “Understanding and Utilizing New Markets Tax Credits in Your Development Deal” on Wednesday, April 17 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm in Washington, DC. NH&RA is a sponsor of the event.

NH&RA News

Report Details Improving Utility Efficiency in Multifamily Rental Housing

The National Housing Trust (NHT) recently released an action guide to serve as a practical tool for affordable housing developers and other providers seeking better partnerships among utility companies, providers and investors.


Georgia Releases Approved Market Analyst List

The Georgia Georgia Department of Community Affairs Department of Housing Finance & Development (DCA) recently posted the 2013 Approved Market Analyst list.

West Virginia

West Virginia Releases Approved QAP

The West Virginia Housing Development Fund has released the approved 2013-2014 Qualified Allocation Plan.


IRS Publishes LIHTC Newsletter #51

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released it latest LIHC Newsletter, which provides a forum for information about Section 42, the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), and communicating technical knowledge and skills, guidance, and assistance for developing LIHTC issues.


IRS Releases 2013 Resident Population Figures

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently released Notice 2013-15 to announce the 2013 Calendar Year Resident Population Figures, which are used to determine each state’s 2013 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) ceiling and tax-exempt private activity bond volume caps.


NH&RA 2013 Annual Meeting and Senior Housing Symposium Conference Materials Now Available

NH&RA was thrilled to welcome over 250 participants to the Loews Miami Beach Hotel in South Beach for our 2013 Annual Meeting. All conference materials, Power Point presentations, relevant articles, reports, memos, etc. are available below under the relevant session titles.

New York

New York Governor Approves Measure to Extend State Historic Credit

The New York State Senate and Assembly recently passed, and Governor Cuomo signed into law, a state budget bill (Senate Bill 2609D) that extends the state historic rehabilitation tax credit program through 2020.

NH&RA News

NPS Solicits Comments on Historic Preservation Certification Application

The National Park Service (NPS) recently published a notice in the Federal Register inviting comments on Historic Preservation Certification Application. Building owners use this application to apply for federal historic rehabilitation tax credits.


Ohio Announces Annual Public Hearing for 2013 Fiscal Year

The Ohio Housing Finance Agency has announced a public hearing to obtain input from affordable housing stakeholders and other interested parties.


Iowa 2014 QAP Public Forum

The Iowa Finance Authority is hosting a public forum for interested parties to provide feedback and recommendations for the 2014 Qualified Allocation Plan.


HUD Releases FY 2013 CNI Planning Grant NOFA/Application

HUD recently released the FY 2013 NOFA for Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants. Individual grant awards may be for up to a maximum of $500,000. HUD notes that because FY 2013 full-year spending, the availability of funding for the program and the total amount available for Planning Grants has not yet been determined.

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