
Developing a long term portfolio strategy for investing in energy efficiency

There are many discrete financial and regulatory events that may prompt an owner to upgrade a Multifamily building. However, in general, there are a few specific events in a Multifamily building’s Lifecycle when it is typically more cost effective, convenient and efficient to make savings and energy improvements.

Benchmarking Disclosures – What action is needed now by Multifamily Owners?

Understanding the different ordinances – it can be a jungle out there! There is no National Legislation that requires consistent compliance. Cities and States are driving this issue independently. So the answer is: it depends on where the property is located.

The “hidden” roadblocks to energy efficiency

In addition to the common and well-known barriers that inhibit greater investment in energy efficiency technologies (e.g., split incentives, whole building information, initial investment costs and ROI, privacy etc.), there is a class of barriers that has received less attention.

Another roadblock to Energy Management in Multifamily – The availability of “Whole Building” utility data

Benchmarking the energy performance of a property—that is, measuring it and comparing it to similar properties—requires utility data on energy consumption and load over at least 24 contiguous months . Owners and operators of multifamily properties must have access to this utility data for the whole building in order to benchmark it accurately. However, whole-building […]

What are the Motivators in Multifamily for Energy Management?

If you have even casually looked into energy management services for your portfolio, have you noticed the wide range of opinions and options? The differences are more significant than simply positioning. It is a more difficult (and meaningful) choice than asking “Do I want a Coke? Or Pepsi?”

Does the Owner Resident Split-Incentive issue in Multifamily cause a roadblock to Energy Management?

In order for a property to be truly energy efficient, the interests of both the owner and residents must be aligned in favor of sustainability. Unfortunately, traditional lease arrangements often do the opposite, and skew the interests of both parties…


Household Energy Bills and Subsidized Housing

Household energy consumption is crucial to national energy policy. This article analyzes how the rules covering utility costs in the four major federal housing assistance programs alter landlord and tenant incentives for energy efficiency investment and conservation. We conclude that, relative to market-rate housing, assistance programs provide less incentive to landlords and tenants for energy […]


Comparing Tenant Versus Owner Paid Rules Governing Utility Allowances

A utility allowance table for Project-Based Section 8 comparing tenant versus owner paid rules governing utility allowances. Download


Retrofitting existing HUD subsidized, privately owned affordable housing—a literature review of research that demonstrates job creation as a result of greening multifamily buildings.

Retrofitting existing HUD subsidized, privately owned affordable housing—a literature review of research that demonstrates job creation as a result of greening multifamily buildings. Download

Use of Weatherization Program Funds to Benefit Residents of Multifamily Housing

A paper on the use of Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance funds to benefit residents of multifamily housing. Download


New Bill Would Increase LIHTC, NMTC, HTC Allocations in Disaster Areas

Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) recently introduced the National Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2014 (S. 2233), a bill which would increase the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC), and Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit (HTC) allocations in states that include a federally declared disaster area in 2012 or 2013.

NH&RA News

National Park Service Updates HTC Application Materials

The National Park Service (NPS) Technical Preservation Services recently released a revised Historic Preservation Certification Application, new PDF application forms, and the full implementation of the fee payment system.

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