

Mid-Term Elections Wrap Up: Affordable Housing and LIHTC Implications

The 2014 mid-term elections are almost over and by any measure they were a victory for Republicans in both the House and Senate. Republicans will gain control of the Senate with no less than 52 seats in the chamber and the potential to hold as many as 55 depending on the final results in Virginia, Louisiana, and Alaska. David Gasson explores what this means for affordable housing…

NH&RA News

TCA Teaser: Niche Development: Creating Unique Flavors of Affordable Rental Housing

Across much of the country, apartment communities developed with federal tax credits are frequently plain vanilla – simple, high-quality affordable garden-style complexes or mid-rises for families and seniors.

NH&RA News

TCA Teaser: Another Good Year: Syndicators Still Seeing Strong Investor Demand for LIHTC Funds Even as Yields Fall

With just two months remaining, it appears 2014 will turn out to be a banner year for the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) market in terms of the total volume of equity raised, even as syndicators are being squeezed on profitability, and yields on multi-investor funds continue to fall.

A Glossary of Energy Efficiency Financing Tools

A Glossary of Energy Efficiency Financing Tools Download

Show Me the Money: Energy Efficiency Financing Barriers and Opportunities

This paper briefly characterizes energy efficiency market sectors; describes the major players in the energy efficiency financing market; describes the key barriers facing each market sector; reviews primary internal and external financing strategies used by each market sector; summarizes our investor discussions; and offers conclusions and recommendations for catalyzing large-scale deployment of capital to the […]

Removing First-Cost Hurdles for Energy Efficiency

This paper provides policy makers, regulators and private sector firms engaged in the design and implementation of efficiency programs with a series of innovative financing options that can be used to achieve comprehensive energy savings across a broad spectrum of residential, commercial and industrial market segments. Download

Setting the PACE: Financing Commercial Retrofits

Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) finance is a new and growing municipal approach to support energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades in commercial buildings in the United States. As of February 2013, there were 16 commercial PACE programs accepting applications to finance building efficiency projects. Most of these have been active for less than a […]

Green Building and Property Value: A Primer for Building Owners and Developers

So, you are thinking about retrofitting an existing building or building a new one with green, high performance, and energy-efficient features. What is the best way for you to position your building from a valuation standpoint? Because these buildings are different, owners have had to change not only how they design, build, and market, but […]

On-Bill Financing for Energy Efficiency Improvements

Energy efficiency retrofits in our homes and buildings can achieve large monetary and energy savings across the buildings sector, but face numerous barriers. High upfront costs continue to be one of the significant barriers to tapping into this savings potential. Addressing the financial barrier to investments in energy efficiency has been a complex hurdle, which […]

Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Toolkit

Buildings account for approximately 70% of electricity use and 40% of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, and offer significant opportunities for energy savings and GHG emissions reductions through the installation of energy efficiency retrofits and small renewable energy systems. Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) legislation — first introduced in Berkeley, CA in 2008 […]

Energy Efficiency Finance 101: Understanding the Marketplace

The number and diversity of energy finance programs have increased dramatically in recent years. Likewise, there is a growing interest among different types of financial institutions in participating in local initiatives. However, finding a financial partner that best fits a particular program can be a challenge. This paper attempts to catalog the different categories of […]


State Housing News for the Week of October 27

Collection of State Housing Finance Agency from across the nation for the week of October 27.

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