The Alaska Housing Finance Corporation has opened its 2016 round for the Competitive Affordable Housing Program (AHP). The AHP can provide up to $500,000 in funding towards affordable housing projects.
While it is far from perfect in the eyes of affordable housing advocates, it would expand several key programs and is seen as a tepid victory in the current spending climate.
The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development is holding public hearings regarding the Allocation Plan for the National Housing Trust Fund.
NTCIC seeks participants for June 8th lobby day in favor of the Federal Historic Tax Credit and additional efforts to expand support for the Historic Tax Credit Improvement Act.
Nixon Peabody’s Forrest Milder explains new guidance for wind, geothermal, biomass, solid waste, and hydro projects, including new safe harbor and disaggregation rules.
MORs property inspections will be conducted by the 42 existing Project-Based Contract Administrators as part of their amended interim contracts with HUD, mostly likely starting on a limited number of properties.
For the first time ever, HUD allocated nearly $174 million through the nation’s Housing Trust Fund. By law, each state is allocated a minimum of $3 million.
In an attempt to strengthen the LIHTC program through federal legislation, Senator Cantwell is seeking personal stories of individuals and families who have struggled to find affordable housing and/or have experienced homelessness. NH&RA encourages our members who own and manage affordable housing properties to share this opportunity with their tenants.
If the State plans to select applications submitted by eligible recipients, the HTF allocation plan must include the application requirements and the criteria for the selection of applicants to meet the specified required funding priorities.
HUD published Annual Adjustment Factors, which are used to adjust contract rents for units assisted in certain Section 8 housing assistance payment programs during the initial term of the HAP contract.
By combining the CY 2015 and CY 2016 allocation rounds, the CDFI Fund will be able to announce the allocation of New Markets Tax Credits in the year for which they are authorized, and will be able to help more communities access the benefits of the tax credits sooner.
Novogradac recently compiled a list of agencies’ criteria for addressing the community revitalization plan preference and found that all states have some form of recognizing CRPs or an equivalent, including target areas or redevelopment plans.