

Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD): Conversion of Moderate Rehabilitation Contracts Webinar 1/30

This webinar will introduce owners, Continuums of Care, and Public Housing Agencies who are interested in converting their Moderate Rehabilitation (Mod Rehab) and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy (SRO) contracts under the RAD to the basic eligibility requirements, application process, and benefits of RAD conversion.


NYU Furman Center: Small Area FMRs Would Increase Number of Units Affordable to Voucher Holders by 9%

The timely report follows a recent court ruling reinstating HUD’s January 1, 2018 implementation date for the Small Area FMR requirement.


HUD Delays Local Governments’ Assessments of Fair Housing

HUD’s recent notice in the Federal Register extends the deadline for submission of Assessments of Fair Housing (AFH) past October 31, 2020 (participants have varying specific deadlines).


NCSHA Names Garth Rieman Interim Executive Director

Former executive director Barbara J. Thompson stepped down on December 31 after 30 years with NCSHA, serving the last 16 years in the role of executive director.


Senator Orrin Hatch, LIHTC Champion, Announces Retirement

Not only did Hatch play a large role in the recent tax reform legislation, but he is also a great ally for the Low Income Housing Tax Credit – serving as the Republican co-sponsor on legislation to expand and improve the credit.

General News

Advocacy Needed for RAD in Final Appropriations Act

There is still time to press the case for extending RAD’s authority in the final form of the FY 2018 appropriations act.


Federal Court Reinstates Small Area Fair Market Rent Requirement

A Dec. 23 ruling by a U.S. District Court means the determination of fair market rent (FMR) in two dozen of the nation’s largest metropolitan areas has come full circle.


HUD Streamlines Admin Regs, Relaxes Annual Income Certification Requirements

The goal of these changes is to reduce the regulatory burden on PHAs and Multifamily Housing Owners. The effective date of these changes is March 12, 2018, with comments due January 11, 2018.

General News

Capital Magnet Fund Remains Oversubscribed

120 organizations applied for almost $540 million, with only $119.5 million available in the round.

Federal Housing Finance Agency

FHFA Publishes Fannie and Freddie Duty to Serve Plans for 2018-2020

Fannie Mae plans to purchase 269 loans secured by LIHTC properties during the two-year period while also making five LIHTC equity investments in 2019. Freddie Mac plans on making nine LIHTC equity investments during 2018-2020 serving high-needs rural regions.


Senate Confirms Paul Compton Jr. as HUD General Counsel

NH&RA congratulates Mr. Compton on his confirmation!


Tax Reform Signed Into Law; PABs, Historic, NMTC Preserved

Today, the Senate and House have both passed the conference report of HR 1 – the GOP’s tax overhaul plan. The bill is expected to be signed into law by President Trump later this week.

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