HUD has released an updated report of recently released instructional materials as well as revisions dealing with various errors.
On January 26, President Trump announced his intent to nominate Seth Appleton to be Assistant Secretary, Policy Development & Research, at HUD. Mr. Appleton currently serves as an Acting Assistant Secretary and General Deputy Assistant Secretary at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, where he manages the Department’s congressional and intergovernmental relations. He previously served […]
Last year the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) established a new joint Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation to honor outstanding historic preservation efforts with affordable housing and community revitalization successes. Agencies, developers, and organizations are encouraged to nominate projects or activities that advance the […]
The Preservation Working Group, a national coalition of affordable housing owners, developers, advocates, tenant associations, and state and local housing agencies, recently submitted a comment letter to HUD regarding two sources sought notices from The Department for HAP Contract National Support Services and HAP Contract Regional Support Services. The letter, which NH&RA joined as a […]
Recent reports have brought to light that Republicans may have put several offers on the table in spending negotiations, as the current Continuing Resolution expires on February 8. One such proposal is to raise the spending caps by $80 billion for defense and $63 billion for nondefense, more recently, however, that proposal has reportedly changed […]
As previously announced, beginning February 1, 2018, Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and their development partners will be able to enter Part 50 Environmental Reviews directly into HUD’s on-line environmental system, known as HEROS. HUD will be hosting a HEROS training on February 1, 2018, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm EST to help PHAs and their […]
January 17, 2018, HUD published notice PIH 2018-01 (HA) providing instructions on implementing Small Area FMRs as well as other changes to FMRs, payment standards, and rent reasonableness analyses that apply to all PHAs with the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. Small Area FMRs are FMRs that are calculated at the zip code level instead of […]
This week, The New York Times published a front-page story on the impact of the tax reform bill on affordable housing. The story cites Novogradac’s estimates of the units that will be lost (235,000 units) as a result of the lower corporate rate, provides a good overview of the growing affordable housing needs in our […]
Earlier this week, several news agencies reported on a leaked infrastructure plan from the White House. One of President Trump’s campaign promises was to create a program to invest $1 trillion in infrastructure over ten years. Housing advocates may be disappointed to learn that affordable housing is not specifically mentioned in the leaked document. However, […]
The Federal Government has reopened after a three day shut-down. Congress passed a short-term funding bill that will continue to fund government activities through February 8, 2018. The measure passed the House of Representatives on a 266-150 with all but 6 Republicans voting for the measure, who were joined by forty-five Democrats. In the Senate the […]
Robinson+Cole’s Jerome Garciano has released the January 2018 version of his green tax incentive compendium, which includes recent changes from the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act. This volume presents certain federal and state tax incentives promoting the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries. Each section outlines the basic features and regulatory requirements for a […]
Treasury is expected to unveil significant changes to Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) requirements, according to several media reports. CRA, originally put in place to combat redlining practices by home lenders, today accounts for a significant portion of housing credit investment, as banks can fulfill CRA requirements by investing in the LIHTC. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin […]