The proposed legislation would amend the Public Housing program as well as Section 8 Rental Assistance programs (Tenant-Based Rental Assistance/Housing Choice Vouchers (including project-based vouchers) and Project-Based Rental Assistance.
Wheatland Crossing Senior Apartments has been applauded for creating a new affordable senior housing option in The Hilltop neighborhood of Columbus, OH. Wheatland Crossing, developed late last year by The Woda Group, Inc., has also recently earned LEED Platinum certification, the highest certification awarded by the US Green Building Council.
Over half the list is comprised of NH&RA members, with seven members in the top ten.
On April 19, USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue announced his appointment of Joel Baxley to the Administrator position. Mr. Baxley will report directly to Anne Hazlett, Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development.
The Office of Multifamily Housing’s Recapitalization division invites you to join us for a RAD conference on May 17-18. While the conference is open to all, the content will be particularly geared towards preparing PHAs who are new participants in RAD to execute on well-planned and efficient conversions that best address local needs and priorities. […]
An update from HUD’s Office of Recapitalization.
On March 23, President Trump signed into law the 2018 omnibus spending bill (HR 1625). Bill language was released late Wednesday night and the House of Representatives and Senate subsequently passed the bill on Thursday. The news of passage comes shortly after President Trump threatened via Twitter to veto the bill on Friday morning. The […]
The CNA e-Tool Virtual Classroom Curriculum is designed to provide small groups of participants a chance to learn about and discuss aspects of the Assessment Tool and the Submission Portal.
Senators Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ) invite their colleagues to sign on to their “Dear Colleague” support letter requesting $12.2 billion in funding for HUD’s project-based rental assistance. Please encourage your senators to sign this letter.
The $28 billion is a record high and comes from congressional appropriations made by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (PL 115-123).
The memo points out that much has changed since CRA was enacted over forty years ago. Since that time, the rise of interstate banking, mortgage securitization advancements, and internet/mobile banking along with many other changes, have created a need for modernizing CRA.
Several new resources on the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) for Moderate Rehabilitation (Mod Rehab) owners are posted to the HUD Exchange.