

RAD Training Recordings Available

350 attendees packed HUD’s auditorium to learn about topics including resident rights and protections, the importance of strategic planning, and innovative uses of RAD to achieve local objectives.


White House Proposal Would Move Rural Housing Programs to HUD, Transfer CDBG to Dept. of Commerce

The proposal would reorganize several aspects of the Federal Government, with affordable housing and GSE reform in the mix.


Senate Votes Down Rescissions

Due to procedural rules, Congress had until June 22 to pass the rescissions with a simple majority.


Opportunity, Optimism, and Insight on Detroit’s Community Development Showcased at National Housing Conference Policy Symposium

Last Friday morning, the National Housing Conference (NHC) held its Annual Policy Symposium in Washington D.C. to a welcoming audience of investors, researchers, and bureaucrats. The half-day event included an address by Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan on the city’s development, a panel of experts further discussing Detroit, and a panel discussing the growing impact and role of private-public partnerships in community development.


Addiction Recovery Housing Bill Passes House

The THRIVE Act is a plan to create a transitional housing program for individuals recovering from opioid addiction or other substance abuse disorders.


HUD Updates FAQ for Transferring Budget Authority Under Section 8(bb)

HUD has released a new FAQ document for executing Section 8(bb) transfers, which allows for the transfer of budget authority from a terminated/expiring Project-Based Rental Assistance HAP contract to a new or existing PBRA HAP contract.


Bipartisan Legislation Introduced to Enhance the Historic Tax Credit, Support Needed

NH&RA encourages its members to support this important legislation. Sponsors anticipate there is an opportunity to attach the basis adjustment language to a larger legislative package that is likely to move through Congress toward the end of the year. Support for the legislation needs to come from both sides of the aisle to improve its chances of enactment.


Treasury Makes Final Round of Opportunity Zone Designations

The final round of submissions were approved for: Florida; Nevada; Pennsylvania; and Utah. All Opportunity Zones can now be viewed on the CDFI Fund website.

NH&RA News

Citi Community Capital Hosts Opportunity Zones Webinar June 19

Registration is complimentary but spaces are limited.

General News

NMTC Responsible for 272 Projects, 60,000 Jobs in 2017

The New Markets Tax Credit Coalition recently released its 2018 New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Progress Report.


Secretary Carson Announces First Round of Envision Center Designations

EnVision Centers will offer HUD-assisted families access to services that can help them achieve self-sufficiency and serve as an incubator to support four key pillars of self-sufficiency: economic empowerment; educational advancement; health and wellness; and character and leadership.


Legislation Passes House Committee to Permanently Authorize CDBG-DR

The Reforming Disaster Recovery Act of 2017 (H.R. 4557) proposes to permanently authorize the Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program.

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