

Senate Committee To Hold Oversight Hearing on GSE Pilot Programs

The Senate Committee On Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs will meet in on October 18 to conduct a hearing entitled “Oversight of Pilot Programs at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.”  The witnesses will be: Ms. Sandra Thompson, Deputy Director, Division of Housing Mission and Goals, Federal Housing Finance Agency;  Mr. Timothy J. Mayopoulos, Chief Executive Officer, […]


IRS Publishes Early Release Draft of HTC Form; Clarifies Credit to Be Claimed at 4 Percent Per Year for Five Years

The Internal Revenue Services (IRS) has issued an updated Draft Form 3468 and Draft Instructions for the 2018 tax year.  This is the form that taxpayers must submit in order to claim the federal historic tax credit, as well as several other investment and energy credits. Notably, the form answers a significant question coming out of tax-reform — […]


AHIC Updates LIHTC Underwriting Guidelines

The Affordable Housing Investors Council (AHIC) has published updated Underwriting Guidelines for its members.  The Guidelines are designed to be used as an outline for an underwriting process and for investment documents for proprietary, multi-investor, and direct investments in low-income housing tax credits (LIHTC). They examine how to analyze the financial strength and expertise of […]

NH&RA News

Freddie Mac Reenters LIHTC Market Via Fund With Enterprise

Freddie Mac announced today it has closed its first Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Fund with Enterprise Community Investment, Inc. and its first equity investment within that fund.


State of Oregon Surplus Land Notice

This is notice that a state-owned property has been determined to be surplus to the needs of the owning agency and is available for acquisition. Below is the most recent posting: File #: Hillcrest, Salem, Oregon, Marion County Location: 2450 Strong Road SE, Salem, OR A written notice or email of interest in acquiring the property […]


AL Approves 2019 HOME/Housing Credit Allocation Plans

The Alabama Housing Finance Agency’s Board of Directors approved the final 2019 HOME/Housing Credit allocation plans during its September 26 meeting. The allocation plans will be used to direct the application process and funding awards for 2019 HOME Investment Partnerships funds and Housing Credits. The plans are available for download at


Boston Area Mayors Commit to 185k New Housing Units by 2030

The Metro Mayors Coalition’s Regional Housing Task Force have announced an ambitious new goal to add 185,000 new housing units to the Boston metro region by 2030.

Federal Housing Finance Agency

FHFA Seeks Input on Duty to Serve Plan Modifications

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) is requesting public input on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s (the Enterprises) proposed modifications to their 2018-2020 Underserved Markets Plans (Plans) under the Duty to Serve (DTS) program.


OR Housing Schedules Stability Council Monthly Meeting on Oct. 5

The next Housing Stability Council meeting will be on Friday, October 5. The meeting will be held at Oregon Housing and Community Services (725 Summer St NE, Salem OR) in conference room 124 A/B. If you cannot attend in person, please join us by phone at: 1-877-273-4202; Participant Code: 4978330 AGENDA: 9:00 Meeting Called to […]


VA Hurricane Florence Disaster Relief Guidance

On September 14, 2018, the President declared Hurricane Florence a major disaster. As of September 17, 2018, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designated eight North Carolina counties as major disaster areas. Review the list of eligible counties here: The guidance in Revenue Procedures 2014-49 (Tax Credit) and 2014-50 (4% Tax Exempt Bond) apply […]


Oregon Ending Veteran’s Homelessness News and Updates

OHCS is pleased to announce the launch of an effort to end Veterans experiencing homelessness in Oregon. Through “Operation Welcome Home” OHCS will utilize Veterans lottery funds to provide technical assistance (TA) for up to ten communities across Oregon to support their efforts to house as many Veterans experiencing homelessness as possible over six months, […]


One Year After the Housing Package: How is California a Different Place?

California’s landmark housing package–packed with 15 game-changing new laws–was signed by Governor Brown one year ago. How is California a different place one year later? Homelessness relief funding from Senate Bill 2, our permanent source for affordable housing is exceeding projections. Developments are coming to market faster through streamlined approvals, thanks to Senate Bill 35. HCD is […]

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