

Nashville Mayor Commits $500M To Affordable Housing, Seeks Help From Private Sector

Nashville Mayor David Briley unveiled his 10-year housing plan, Under One Roof 2029. The initiative aims to create at least 10,000 new units by investing $750 million over the next 10 years in affordable housing in Nashville, with $500 million of that coming from the city.


Seattle Upzones 27 Neighborhood Hubs, Passes Affordable-Housing Requirements

The Seattle City Council unanimously passed Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) upzones that allow higher density and impose affordable housing requirements on more than two dozen neighborhoods. This action upzones 27 neighborhood hubs, requiring developers in those areas to set aside 5 to 11 percent of their developments as affordable units or pay $5 to $32.75 per square foot in fees.

NH&RA News

Freddie Mac: Tax Incentives Set to Drive Multifamily Investments in Opportunity Zones

A Multifamily in Focus research paper released by Freddie Mac shows that the Opportunity Zones tax incentives will likely lead to a significant influx of capital to multifamily investments in Opportunity Zones. The research paper compares a hypothetical investment under the tax structures offered by both traditional and Opportunity Fund circumstances.

NH&RA News

Fannie Mae Leadership Changes

Fannie Mae announced that it appointed Hugh Frater as Chief Executive Officer effective March 26. Fannie Mae also announced that it appointed Stergios Theologides as executive vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary effective March 28.

General News

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Quarterly Business Meeting—April 4

The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP)will hold its quarterly business meeting on April 4 at 8:30 am EDT in the Russell Senate Office, room 325.


Upcoming Housing Related HFSC Hearings

The House Financial Services Committee will hold several upcoming hearings related to housing. Witnesses for the committee hearings are required to be published three days prior to event, excluding holidays and weekends. All hearings and markups will take place in 2128 Rayburn House Office Building and will be broadcast live.

NH&RA News

Facebook Overhauls Ads Following Legal Settlement

Facebook announced changes to how it manages housing, employment and credit ads as a result of legal settlement agreements with the National Fair Housing Alliance, the American Civil Liberties Union and the Communication Workers of America.


GAO Disaster Recovery Report: Better Monitoring of Block Grant Funds Is Needed

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report on HUD’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery. GAO found that HUD does not have the review guidance and monitoring plans it needs for good grantee oversight.


GAO REAC Report: HUD Should Improve Physical Inspection Process and Oversight of Inspectors

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report on HUD’s Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) with 14 recommendations to improve the inspection process.

NH&RA News

$1 Billion Capital Regional Housing Challenge

The Housing Leaders Group of Greater Washington launched a $1 billion Capital Regional Housing Challenge, that encourages the D.C. region’s public and private sectors to each add $500 million in affordable housing investments above their current baseline by the end of 2020.


President Trump Signs Memo on Housing Finance Reform

President Trump signed a memorandum that directs HUD and Treasury to draft administrative and legislative options for housing finance reform to be submitted to the President for approval as soon as practicable. HUD will prepare a reform plan for the housing finance agencies it oversees, and Treasury will prepare a reform plan for Fannie Mae […]

Federal Housing Finance Agency

Donald Layton to Retire as CEO of Freddie Mac; David Brickman Named as Successor

Freddie Mac announced that Donald Layton will retire as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and that the Board of Directors has appointed David Brickman to succeed him effective Monday, July 1. Mr. Brickman will become a member of the Freddie Mac Board of Directors at that time.

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