

HUD Releases Location Affordability Index Updates

Last week HUD released Version 3 of the Location Affordability Index (LAI) dataset. The LAI is a nationwide database of modeled household housing and transportation costs launched by HUD and the Department of Transportation in 2013. The updated version provides greater insight into how these costs vary by geographic and household characteristics. Version 3 primarily uses data from the 2012-2016 American Community Su

USDA Rural Development

Bruce Lammers Named New Rural Housing Service Administrator

The USDA announced the appointment of Bruce Lammers as the new Rural Housing Service (RHS) Administrator, effective May 28, 2019. Mr. Lammers will report directly to Joel Baxley, who formerly held the position and is now the Acting Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development.


HUD Proposes Changes to CDBG, HOME to Incentive Use in Opportunity Zones

Two HUD proposed rules seek to create flexibilities in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships programs to incentivize their use in Opportunity Zones.


HUD Publishes Information Collection Document for NSPIRE

HUD published a Notice of Emergency Approval of an Information Collection: National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) Demonstration. The document outlines a few important details for the new 2-year Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) demonstration which HUD hopes will identify potential adjustments to standards, protocols, and processes.


NCHMA Recommendations on MAP Market Study Guidelines

The National Council of Housing Market Analysts (NCHMA) sent comments and recommendations to HUD as it updates Chapter 7 of the Multifamily Accelerated Processing (MAP) Guide Market Study Guidelines.


Reports and Policy Recommendations on Housing Needs in SoCal Counties

The California Housing Partnership released new reports in collaboration with local and regional housing organizations that document the deteriorating conditions facing low-income renters in five Southern California counties: Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego. The reports offers policy recommendations for state, local and regional leaders…


Colorado Governor Finalizes Increase to State Affordable Housing Tax Credit

On May 17, Colorado Governor Jared Polis (D) signed HB19-1228 into law. The bill increases the amount of state Affordable Housing Tax Credits available for annual allocation by the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority from $5 million to $10 million for 2020-2024.

NH&RA News

CLPHA Report: Cross-Sector Partners Collaborate to Eliminate Barriers to Postsecondary Success

A new report released from the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) showcases the work of five public housing authorities (PHAs) that are successfully collaborating with postsecondary institutions and local nonprofit organizations to increase college access, retention and graduation rates for current public housing residents and college students who are experiencing homelessness.

NH&RA News

NLIHC Publishes 2019 Advocates’ Guide

The National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) published its annual Advocates’ Guide: A Primer on Federal Resources Related to Affordable Housing Programs and Community Development. T


Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduce G-Fee Legislation

Chairman David Perdue (R-GA) and Ranking Member Bob Menendez (D-NJ) of the Senate Banking subcommittee on Housing, Transportation, and Community Development Subcommittee introduced S.1463, a bill to establish a scorekeeping rule to ensure that increases in guarantee fees of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac shall not be used to offset provisions that increase the deficit.


HUD to Offer $5 Million for Carbon Monoxide Detectors in HUD Assisted Housing

HUD announced $5 million will be made available this summer for the purchase and installation of carbon monoxide (CO) detectors in public housing units where they are necessary. HUD also announced it has been working with Congressional leaders on the Senate Banking Committee on legislation that will require CO detectors in HUD-assisted housing units that need them.


House Markup of FY 2020 T-HUD Bill – March 23

The Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (T-HUD) Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee will markup the FY 2020 T-HUD appropriations bill at 8:30 am EDT on May 23.

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