The House Financial Services Committee approved several housing-related bills, including Chairwoman Maxine Waters’ Housing Is Infrastructure Act (H.R. 5187). This bill would authorize more than $100 billion for public housing, Community Development Block Grants (CDBGs), the HOME Investment Partnerships program and other programs.
The Government Accountability Office released a Preliminary Recommendations to Strengthen DOD’s Oversight and Monitoring of Privatized Housing report, which outlines the range of assessments and data collection used by the Office of the Secretary of the Defense.
The Department of the Treasury invites the general public to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections. Currently, the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) is soliciting comments concerning the Community Development Financial Institutions CDFI Program (CDFI Program), Native American CDFI Assistance Program (NACA Program) and New Markets Tax Credit Program (NMTC Program) Annual Report, including the Awards Management and Information System (AMIS) Compliance and Performance Report (ACPR).
The California Housing Partnership released the 2020 Affordable Homes at Risk report, which found that that California has already lost 15,004 affordable rental homes and that another 31,821 affordable rental homes are currently at risk of market rate conversion in the next decade.
A group of California Assembly members introduced a bill that would inject $2 billion into addressing California’s homelessness crisis — an immediate effort to meet the governor’s request for permanent funding to tackle the problem.
The Illinois Housing Council has been working with the Cook County Assessor’s Office on strategies to ensure that deed-restricted, affordable rental properties receive fair and accurate property assessments. The Assessor’s Office recently created the Real Property Income & Expense (RPIE) Online tool, which is a digitally secure tool for commercial property owners to provide data […]
LOUIS, MO – With three recently closed transactions to support community development projects in Florida, New Jersey, and North Carolina, Smith NMTC Associates, LLC has surpassed $500M in tax credit investments. Additional projects in development for 2020 include the Delmar DivINe initiative in St. Louis and proposals in Georgia, Maryland, New Jersey, Texas, and Virginia.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Feb. 25, 2020) – On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance shared updated Internal Revenue Service data showing the continuing cost of abusive conservation easement tax shelters. The following statement can be attributed to Andrew Bowman, president and CEO of the Land Trust Alliance:
HUD is seeking 4,500 participants for its National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) demonstration, which updates the Real Estate Assessment Center’s (REAC) physical housing inspection process. HUD is also seeking comments to ensure clarity, accuracy and overall usability on early versions of NSPIRE standards for HUD-assisted housing.
HUD published Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 average income minimum set asides for LIHTC properties, in ten percent increments from 20 to 80 percent of the area median income in each state and metropolitan fair market rent/income limits area, based on the fiscal year 2019 Multifamily Tax Subsidy Project income limits.
On February 7, the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council, chaired by HUD Secretary Ben Carson, released its one-year report on Opportunity Zones to President Trump. The report makes 43 legislative and regulatory recommendations relating to Opportunity Zones, including a call for the collection of data to assess the incentive’s value to distressed communities.
The Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University (JCHS) will host an event with Whitney Airgood-Obrycki, lead author of the new America’s Rental Housing report, to discuss key findings, including how low vacancy rates, limited new construction and a growing number of higher-income renters are driving the rental affordability crisis.