

California Awards $85.5 Million to Help People Experiencing Homelessness Who Frequently Use Healthcare Systems

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) awarded a total of $85.5 million to developers and counties throughout California in the first round of funding for the Housing for a Healthy California program. Funding for the program comes from both the Federal National Housing Trust Fund and California’s Building Homes and Jobs Trust Fund.

General News

Update from CDFI Fund Director Jodie Harris

The Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) received questions from organizations about upcoming application and compliance deadlines, and if anything is expected to change. We are taking these requests seriously in light of the unprecedented situation many CDFIs find themselves in today. CDFI Fund staff are routinely evaluating our processes and procedures to ensure they are in alignment with day-to-day impediments that organizations are being forced to navigate.

NH&RA News

COVID-19 Construction Limits: State-By-State Tracker

This Builder dashboard tracks how states with a stay-at-home mandate classify construction and building material suppliers.


NLIHC: The Need for Emergency Rental Assistance During the COVID-19 and Economic Crisis

The National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) released research notes, “The Need for Emergency Rental Assistance During the COVID-19 and Economic Crisis,” that concludes that Congress must invest up to $100 billion to keep the lowest-income households stably housed over the next year during and in the immediate wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report […]

NH&RA News

SAHF Launches COVID-19 Resource Page

Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future (SAHF) launched a COVID-19 Resource Page through the CORES website. This is intended to be a place for resident services practitioners and frontline staff addressing resident needs to access and share useful resources and templates.

NH&RA News

Urban Institute: CARES Eviction Moratorium, Protections for Vulnerable Renters

The Urban Institute recently published two blogs: The CARES Act Eviction Moratorium Covers All Federally Financed Rentals—That’s One in Four US Rental Units and We Must Act Quickly to Protect Millions of Vulnerable Renters. Urban estimates that eviction moratoria covering federally financed properties will apply to roughly 12.3 million (28 percent) of the 43.8 million […]


Minnesota Alters Market Study Guidelines

Market study analysts may encounter hindrances to completing work, particularly related to field work and accessing market information. If circumstances restrict analysts’ ability to complete a market study, Minnesota Housing suggests the following alternatives for information-gathering:


COVID-19’s Impact on Field Work for Market Studies

The Executive Committee of the National Council of Housing Market Analysts developed a memo on COVID-19’s Impact on Field Work for Market Studies, given the challenges of completing real estate analysis including site inspections during the current environment with office closures and travel restrictions.

NH&RA News

NH&RA Launches COVID-19 Website, Discussion Forum

In response to the mounting Coronavirus public health crisis, NH&RA launched a dedicated section of our website to keep stakeholders apprised of the evolving guidance. The webpage lists all news stories with the COVID-19 tag in the order in which they were added and stories can be filtered by state. NH&RA is pleased announce a […]


Third Coronavirus Package Enacted, Negotiations Begin on Fourth Package

The $2.2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), H.R. 748, was passed by the House by a voice vote and signed by President Trump on March 27. The House and Senate are both out until April 20, but work has already begun on drafting a fourth Coronavirus aid package. The package is likely to include funding for health systems, frontline healthcare workers, infrastructure, state and local governments and rebates to families and individuals.


IRS Considers Promulgation of Specific Coronavirus Guidance

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) told the National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA) that the ten issues for which the NCSHA requested specific guidance are all relevant to the current COVID-19 situation and under active consideration by IRS while they await guidance from Treasury about how to proceed.

General News

DHS Lists Housing as Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has designated the construction of housing as an “Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce,” as well as leasing, property management and maintenance personnel. This is not a mandatory federal order; this is guidance from DHS that states can follow.

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