

Comments on FHA’s MAP Guide Draft Chapter Three Due March 20

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) posted the draft chapter three and its corresponding appendix of the updated Multifamily Accelerated Processing (MAP) Guide.


NCSHA, AHTCC, Novogradac and Enterprise Launch COVID-19 Websites

The National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA) launched a new COVID-19 Resources website that complies guidance from federal agencies, state housing agencies and general resources on the pandemic. To suggest a resource for this page, or if you have a question, please contact NCSHA. The Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition’s (AHTCC) resource page is […]

NH&RA News

The Delicate Balance

The rapid escalation of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic is having a deeply unsettling impact on the on how we live and how we work.  It is testing our disaster response system in unanticipated ways and will require a new kind of resilience from us.  Perhaps our most critical issue right now is balance: how to be stewards for some of the most vulnerable members of our society while, at the same time, navigating our own personal uncertainties and business obligations. 

NH&RA News

Internet Service Provider Resources

The National Digital Inclusion Alliance has created an open-source document to track all the updated COVID-19 offers made by Internet Service Providers across the nation. This is getting updated on an ongoing basis. If you know of any offers in your area that could be helpful to the community, please add to the spreadsheet!

General News

CDFI Fund Implements Telework

To protect ourselves and our families from the spread of COVID-19 and in accordance with guidance issued by the Office of Personnel Management, the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund’s (CDFI Fund’s) employees will be utilizing maximum telework flexibilities beginning Tuesday, March 17, 2020.

General News

HUD Suspends REAC Inspections

The offices of Multifamily Housing and Public and Indian Housing (PIH) at HUD are suspending REAC inspections until further notice in light of COVID-19. Where there is an exigent circumstance or reason to believe that there is a threat to life or property at a specific location, inspections will be conducted by HUD quality assurance inspectors.

General News

HUD Revises FY 2020 FMRs

HUD released updated Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 fair market rents (FMRs) for six areas based on new survey data: Asheville, NC HUD Metro FMR Area (HMFA), Eugene-Springfield, OR Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), Portland, ME HMFA, Santa Maria-Santa Barbara, CA MSA, Worcester, MA HMFA and Guam. The revised FY 2020 FMRs for these six areas are effective on April 10, 2020.

General News

REHAB Act Introduced in Congress

Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) introduced the Revitalizing Economies, Housing and Business (REHAB) Act of 2020 along with Reps. Mike Kelly (R-PA), Darin LaHood (R-IL) and Dan Kildee (D-MI).


HUD Joins Coronavirus Task Force

HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson was added to the White House Coronavirus Task Force. While the risk of infections for Americans remains low, HUD is encouraging multifamily owners and agents, Public Housing Authorities, Performance Based Contract Administrators, FHA lenders to make the information below available to residents and employees.

NH&RA News

Overview of the CORES Certification & Application Webinar

The Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future (SAHF) will host a CORES 101: Overview of the CORES Certification & Application webinar at 1:30 pm ET on March 17.

NH&RA News

Digging Deeper into the Story: The Widespread Implications of the Growth in High Income Renters on Low- and Middle-Income Renter Households

High-income renters don’t just rent high-end units. Some high-income renters choose to rent units that would be affordable to renters with lower incomes, thereby reducing the number of affordable units available to lower income households.


What is the risk that LIHTC Properties in Massachusetts will convert to Market?

The Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation released a report, which explores the risk that LIHTC-financed properties in Massachusetts will convert to market-rate housing at Year 30. Roughly 86 percent of the 15,679 LIHTC units approaching year-30 are subject to some form of longer-term affordability restriction and will not be at risk for market conversion before December 31, 2030.

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