
NH&RA News

DC Council Votes to Extend Rent Control, Increases Affordable Housing Funds

The DC Council voted to approve the fiscal year 2021 budget, which includes a ten-year extension of DC’s rent control program and $9 million in additional funding for the Housing Production Trust Fund.


Connecticut Extends COVID-19 Financial Relief Available for Multifamily Borrowers through End of Year

The Connecticut Housing Finance Agency (CHFA) extended the COVID-19 multifamily financial relief period through December 31, 2020. Any mortgagor of a multifamily rental housing development in CHFA’s portfolio experiencing financial distress due to COVID-19, beyond the financial ability of the mortgagor to correct or mitigate, may contact CHFA to request its assistance. For more information, […]


House Passes Infrastructure Bill

Last week the House of Representatives passed a $1.5 trillion infrastructure package (H.R. 2), which includes several housing provisions. A summary of the housing provisions in the bill can be found here. The measure passed by a vote of 233 to 188, with three Republicans crossing party lines to support it and two Democrats breaking […]


House Appropriations Committee Passes FY-2021 HUD Funding Measure

On June 7, 2020 the House Appropriations Committee released its draft fiscal year 2021 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies funding bill. The measure was adopted by the Subcommittee on July 8, 2020.  The measure heads next to the Full Committee for an additional markup.  The bill provides a total of $50.6 billion […]

New York

New York Legislature Enacts New Eviction Moratorium

On June 30, 2020 Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law S. 8192B, which prohibits evicting tenants for unpaid rent accrued between March 7 and the compete reopening of their area, so long as a tenant can prove in court that they experience financial hardship during that period.  A judge can still issue a money judgement against the tenant.


HUD Publishes Housing Notice Extending Moratorium on Evictions for HUD Mortgages in Forbearance

On July 1, 2020, HUD published Housing Notice (2020-7), Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Eviction Moratorium that extends the moratorium on evictions for all HUD-insured or HUD-held mortgages while under forbearance, and also provides guidance on tenant protections for multifamily properties not subject to forbearance and those with HUD-assisted units.


HUD Publishes New Brochure on Housing Stability During COVID-19

To encourage owners of multifamily properties to provide flexibilities to residents who may be struggling financially as a result of COVID-19, HUD has published a new brochure with updated guidance for multifamily property owners on promoting housing stability during the pandemic.

NH&RA News

New Markets Tax Credit Coalition Publishes Progress Report

The New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Coalition has published its latest annual progress report for the NMTC Program.   The 2019 survey findings show that program participants – from investors to community development organizations to the CDFI Fund – continue to improve and refine the program’s efficiency and impact in low-income communities.


Bipartisan Policy Center Publishes Brief on Housing Assistance as a COVID-19 Priority

On June 12 the Bipartsan Policy Center published a new brief entitled “Housing Assistance is a COVID-19 Response and Racial Justice Priority.”  The brief finds that the public health and economic crisis that COVID-19 triggered has put millions of low-income households at risk of eviction and homelessness and has widened racial disparities in housing and health outcomes.


WHEDA Schedules July 13 Webinar On New Rural Affordable Workforce Housing Initiative

Rural community leaders, employers, affordable housing providers, developers, lenders, planners, policy makers and residents are invited to learn more and provide final input prior to the launch of the competitive application process for the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority’s rural affordable workforce housing pilot.


California Housing Partnership To Host Demo of Housing Needs Dashboard on July 9

The California Housing Partnership recently launched its Housing Needs Dashboard, a new online data tool to discover and compare housing data for every California county and the state overall


In the News: Developers Converting Dying Malls to Apartments

On June 30, City Lab published an article on how developer Avalon Bay is converting a portion of the 41-year-old Alderwood Mall outside of Seattle into housing.

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