COVID-19 News

In response to the mounting Coronavirus public health crisis, NH&RA launched a dedicated section of our website to keep stakeholders apprised of the evolving guidance. The webpage lists all news stories with the COVID-19 tag in the order in which they were added and stories can be filtered by state.

NH&RA is pleased announce a new created online discussion forum dedicated to helping our members navigate the COVID-19 crisis.  Members can post questions, share strategies and/or resources relevant to the rapidly evolving Coronavirus pandemic and how it impacts multifamily and affordable housing.

Senate Passes Coronavirus Aid Package 3.5

Yesterday the Senate passed by voice vote the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act (H.R. 266), which appropriates an additional $321 billion to the Payment Protection Program, $60 billion for loans and grants for economic disaster assistance, $75 billion for hospitals and $25 billion for testing. The House is expected to pass the bill on Thursday by allowing members to vote by proxy, in which a member could designate a colleague to vote on their behalf.

NCSHA Matrix on IRS Regulatory Relief

The National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA) released a matrix comparing the LIHTC accommodations NCSHA is requesting from the IRS to those allowed under existing IRS Revenue Procedures 2014-49 and 2014-50, which provide relief in instances of Presidentially-declared Major Disasters, and to recent IRS Notice 2020-23, which extends certain program deadlines until July 15, […]

Ohio Compliance Updates

Household stimulus payments provided by the CARES Act are not to be included in calculations of income. (issued by states) are to be treated as income, as is customary under program rules. The Ohio Housing Finance Agency is providing an initial 30-day correction period for Annual Owner Certifications (AOC).

Ohio to Offer Carryover Allocation Relief

The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) will grant Carryover Allocation relief to eligible projects on a case-by-case basis. To be eligible, projects must have a demonstrated and documented need and must meet the requirements outlined in Rev. Proc. 2014-49.

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