Twinning Affordable Housing With Historic Tax Credits (Q1 2021)
Join NH&RA for a roundtable discussion focused on opportunities leveraging the Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit. The session emphasizes opportunities and strategies to twin the HTC with affordable housing resources including HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program as well as state and federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC). Session highlights include:
- The Latest Updates on State and Federal Legislative Developments Relating to the Historic Tax Credit including the HTC-Go Act and the Revitalizing Economies, Housing and Businesses (REHAB) Act of 2021
- Positioning Historic Development Opportunities to Maximize Their Competitive for Affordable Housing Resources
- Identifying Non-Traditional Historic Preservation Development Opportunities
- Advocacy Strategies To Position Historic Projects for Competitive Allocations of LIHTC
- The Latest Dynamics Relating to the National Park Service and SHPOs Processing of HTC Submissions
- Thom Amdur, President, National Housing & Rehabilitation Association
- Cindy Hamilton, President, Heritage Consulting Group
- Merrill Hoopengardner, President, National Trust Community Investment Corporation
- Owen Metz, Vice-President and Project Partners, Dominium Development & Acquisition, LLC
- Albert Rex, President, MacRostie Historic Advisors
Who Should Attend:
- Affordable Housing Owners & Developers
- Historic Preservation Professionals
- Tax Credit Syndicators and Investors
- Public Housing Authorities
- Housing Finance Agency Staff
Continuing Education
1.5 Continuing Education (CE) credits will be offered to those who complete the full course.