Public Housing Revitalization Council
Formerly known as the HOPE VI Council, NH&RA’s Public Housing Revitalization Council (PHRC) convenes private and non-profit sector developers and advisors active in the HOPE VI, Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI), Mixed-Finance and Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Programs. Members have been involved in mixed-finance transactions since the early days of HOPE VI and today represent the most active participants involved in public housing joint-venture opportunities.
The Council focuses on ongoing issues relating the structuring, financing, capitalization and operation of the mixed-finance and RAD portfolio. The group has been instrumental in shaping the CNI and RAD programs convening regularly as a group with senior officials from HUD to provide feedback and discuss and design effective policy solutions to the most pressing issues facing the public housing redevelopment community including the implementation of unit transformation policies, addressing funding shortfalls, program reauthorization and more…
RAD User Group
Members of the PHRC may also participate in the our RAD User Group, which was established in February of 2014 to establish a formal and regular dialogue on transactional and policy issues pertaining to the RAD Program. The group convenes regularly in Washington for meetings with HUD’s Office of Recapitalization, to share “on the ground” insight with department officials from private and non-profit sector RAD participants.