Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Illinois

Chicago Opens 2021 LIHTC Round

The Chicago Department of Housing (DOH) is now accepting applications for the 2021 LIHTC round through July 2.

QAP Connecticut

Connecticut Development Engagement Process

The Department of Housing (DOH), in collaboration with the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA), is inviting a time-limited participation in the second year of its Development Engagement Process (DEP).

QAP Florida

Florida Updates June 18 Board Meeting Location, Start Time

The Florida Housing Finance Corporation Board Meeting is scheduled for June 18.

QAP Kentucky

Kentucky HOME, HTF Annual Rent Approval Due July 5

Multifamily HOME- and Housing Trust Fund-funded projects still in their affordability period are required to submit an annual HOME Rent Approval Form and NHTF Rent Approval Form.

New York City M/WBE Building Opportunity Initiative

The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) invites Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) developers to submit proposals to develop 100 percent affordable housing on two City-owned lot in Prospect Heights.

QAP Ohio

Ohio 2022-2023 QAP Concept Memo

The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) has posted a memo outlining concepts that may appear in the first draft of the 2022-2023 QAP to be published in June. Comments should be sent to QAP@ohiohome.org by June 2 to allow for consideration in advance of release of the first draft.

QAP Vermont

Vermont Seeks Comments on Recovery Housing Plan

Vermont’s Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is seeking input from stakeholders on the Vermont Draft Recovery Housing Program Action Plan (RHP). The plan outlines priorities for the use of approximately $1.5 million in federal funds being provided to the state to address the needs of transitional housing for people recovering from addiction. 

QAP California

California Proposes Updates to Compliance Fine Schedule

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) is seeking comments on its proposed compliance fine schedule.

QAP Colorado

Colorado Pilots New Small-Scale Housing Technical Assistance Program

The Colorado Housing and Finance Authority (CHFA) launched a new pilot program to help catalyze the development of small-scale affordable housing in historically difficult-to-develop areas by providing technical assistance.

QAP Florida

Florida Posts Draft 2021-2022 RFA Funding Timeline

Florida Housing posted a 2021-2022 RFA Funding Timeline. This document is expected to be presented to the Board of Directors at the June 18 Board Meeting.

QAP Florida

Florida Posts Report on the High Needs High Cost Pilot

Florida Housing released its state report on the High Needs High Cost Pilot. In 2014 Florida Housing awarded $10 million through a competitive application process to three nonprofit developers to develop permanent supportive housing properties in Duval, Miami-Dade and Pinellas counties. Studies around the nation show that cost savings to public systems, particularly crisis services, occur when high utilizers of these services are provided with supportive housing.

QAP Kansas

Kansas Hosts Utility Allowance 101 Webinar June 24

The Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) will hold a webinar from 10 to11:30 a.m. CT on June 24 on utility allowances.

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