The Louisiana Housing Corporation will hold a virtual hearing on the 2022 QAP at 10 a.m. ET on July 1.
Florida Housing’s Board approved the 2021-2022 Tentative Funding Amounts and Timeline. Florida Housing will hold a virtual workshop regarding the three 2021 LIHTC Geographic RFAs at 9:30 a.m. ET on June 24. Register here.
The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee updated its nine percent LIHTC application for the second competitive round
Texas legislation that would change the scoring system for allocating LIHTCs to encourage the development of affordable housing near veteran’s hospitals passed both houses of the Legislature and is on the desk of Governor Greg Abbott (R).
The Governing Board of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) will meet Online at 9 a.m. CT on June 17, 2021. Register here. The agenda and meeting materials are available here.
Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) released two NOFAs:
Veterans NOFA #2021-8: rental housing units funded through this NOFA must serve veterans as a set-aside population. This NOFA includes the ability to leverage OHCS Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) resources and Oregon Affordable Housing Tax Credits (OAHTC).
Small Projects NOFA #2021-9: funding eligible for projects that have at least five and not more than 40 affordable rental housing units. This NOFA includes the ability to leverage Agriculture Workforce Housing Tax Credits (AWHTC), OHCS PSH resources, and OAHTCs.
Oregon Housing and Community Services’ (OHCS) opened the third and final round of its Landlord Compensation Fund (LCF) June 1, with assistance to cover rent accrued from April 2020 through June 2021. The program expires this summer, with an application deadline of June 18 and an award notice deadline of June 30.
On January 15, 2021 the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Notice 2021-12, which extends COVID-19 relief measures originally provided under Notice 2020-53 and provides further relief that have expired or were not included in the prior relief notice.
Legislation in Maryland takes effect July 1 that will expand the types of property eligible for its state Historic Revitalization Tax Credit (HTC). H.B. 539 expands the definitions of “certified historic structures” and “single-family, owner-occupied residences” to include structures located on property owned by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, is occupied by a person under an agreement with the department that allows the occupant to pay for the structure’s rehabilitation as a condition of occupancy and meets one of the criteria to be designated as a certified historic structure or be eligible to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places as determined by the director of the Maryland Historical Trust.
Louisiana Housing Corporation’s Board of Directors approved $2.9 million of additional volume cap to develop 132 affordable rental units in two Louisiana parishes at their monthly board meeting, June 9.
Tracy Thurston will transition into the position of senior director of financial management at Kentucky Housing Corporation, effective June 23, 2021 in anticipation of Jim Statler’s eventual retirement.
The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) announced funding for its Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Development Program. Financing is available for the acquisition, rehabilitation and/or new construction of PSH projects that serve the most vulnerable populations and that offer flexible, voluntary supportive services designed to increase housing stability.