Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP New York

Apply for New York RFQLs Now to Access Gap Funding Later

RetrofitNY is continuing to make progress in transforming New York’s existing building stock to net-zero energy (NZE). RetrofitNY will be releasing new funding in Q3 2021 for NZE and near-NZE retrofit pilot projects. To access funding, you will need to be pre-qualified through at least one of our existing Request for Qualifications (RFQL).  

Alaska Opens 2022 THHP Grant Program

The Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) opened registration for the Teacher, Health Professional and Public Safety Housing Grant Program (THHP). Nonprofits, state or local government entities, tribal entities, health corporations, school districts and public safety entities are eligible to apply. Funding is available for new construction, rehabilitation or acquisition of public service professional rental housing in small communities. The program aims to provide grant funding to fill the gap between a project’s capacity to carry debt and the total development cost of the project, given reasonable expenses for the project. 

QAP Alaska

Alaska Posts Special Purposed GOAL Evaluation Criteria

Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) posted the application evaluation criteria for the SFY 2022 Special Purpose GOAL round, which will be used to evaluate the full applications due this fall. Due to delays in the process the program timeline has be adjusted to the following: 

QAP California

Comments on California’s MHP Guidelines Due Aug. 6

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is seeking feedback on its Multifamily Housing Program (MHP) Draft Guidelines and Statement of Reasons. Comments should be sent by August 6 via this form. The 2022 MHP Guidelines will apply, in large part, to all HCD multifamily development programs. With the MHP Guidelines as the cornerstone, HCD will simplify several programs into one funding opportunity–the Super NOFA–and application process. 

QAP Idaho

Idaho Opens Nine Percent LIHTC Round

The Idaho Housing and Finance Association is accepting applications for its nine percent LIHTC through August 6. Roughly $4.7 million is available with set asides for nonprofits ($509,000) preservation ($509,000) and rural ($764,000). Applications will only be accepted electronically via Idaho’s newly designed portal. Contact the Project Finance Department at 208-331-4777 for access to the portal.  

QAP Minnesota

Applications for Minnesota’s Homework Starts with Home RFP Due Aug. 10

Minnesota Housing is accepting applications for the Homework Starts with Home (HSWH) program through noon CT on August 10. This program supports collaborative efforts between schools, housing organizations and local governments to identify, engage and stabilize students and their families experiencing homelessness. $3.5 million in HSWH funds is available using the Family Homelessness Prevention and Assistance Program (FHPAP) and Housing […]

QAP New Hampshire

New Hampshire Housing Holds QAP Planning Forum – July 29

New Hampshire Housing will hold a public forum on the 2023-2024 QAP on July 29, 2021 from 11 a.m. to noon ET. This event will be held both in person (32 Constitution Drive, Bedford, NH 03110) and virtually. Register here for both formats by July 26. Written comments can be sent to QAP@nhhfa.org. 

QAP Texas

Texas Updates Nine Percent Award Limits, Regional Allocations & Eligible Applications

The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) posted a revised summary of the 2021 Competitive nine percent LIHTC Award Limits and Estimated Regional Allocation, as well as a list of Applications that are eligible for an award of tax credits for the 2021 program year. 

QAP Texas

Texas Posts List of Properties Nearing End of Affordability

The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) posted an interactive map and list of properties that may be nearing the end of their affordability period and may benefit from preservation activities. The list includes any federally subsidized multifamily housing development at risk because the contract granting a federal subsidy with a stipulation to maintain affordability is nearing expiration, or because the government-insured mortgage on the property is eligible for prepayment or near the end of its mortgage term. The current list reflects those properties that have an affordability period ending between March 2021 and December 2023.

QAP Texas

Texas Posts Fall 2021 Training Schedule

The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) and the Texas Apartment Association (TAA) have released the online training schedule for Fall 2021.  

QAP Pennsylvania

PHFA Announces FY-2021-2022 State Budget Highlights

The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) has announced that the fiscal year 2021/2022 state budget will include funding for the development of affordable rental housing in three main program areas: 

QAP Ohio

Ohio Seeks Input on Design Standards & Multifamily Underwriting Guidelines

As the Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) prepares to draft the 2022-23 Design and Architectural Standards and the 2022-2023 Multifamily Underwriting Guidelines, OHFA is seeking stakeholder input on these guidelines. OHFA will seek initial stakeholder input through Friday, August 13, and will post the full first draft of these documents at a later date.

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