Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota’s Upcoming Trainings

Minnesota Housing is offering the following trainings in partnership with People Incorporated Training Institute. During the mental health and de-escalation for property management staff training, participants will learn how to respond to angry outbursts, accusations and threats from tenants instead of just reacting to them. Using a mental health and trauma focus we will look at the neurology of these intense and upsetting encounters and some common mistakes that people make while trying to diffuse them.

Texas Updates 2021-3 NOFA Application Log

The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs posted the Application Log for the 2021-3 Multifamily Direct Loan NOFA, as of July 21, 2021.

QAP Virginia

2022 Virginia Housing QAP Survey Now Available

Virginia Housing is providing stakeholders an opportunity to weigh in on any, or all, proposed 2022 QAP changes via an online QAP survey. The survey is broken into eight sections and each proposed change is outlined with a description, reference to the applicable page in the QAP where the change is proposed and actual language being considered. The survey will conclude on August 12. Comments can also be sent to TaxCreditApps@VirginiaHousing.com.  

QAP Alabama

Alabama 2022 QAP Hearing – July 28

The Alabama Housing Finance Authority will hold a hearing on its draft 2022 QAP, draft 2022 HOME action plan and draft 2022 National Housing Trust Fund allocation plan at 10 a.m. ET on July 28 at the Hampton Inn & Suites – Eastchase (7651 Eastchase Parkway, Montgomery, AL 36117). Comments can be sent via the 2022 plan comment form by 5 p.m. ET on August 27.

QAP Arizona

Arizona Makes $21 Million in Gap Funding Available for Four Percent LIHTCs

The Arizona Department of Housing released a 2021-2022 State Housing Fund Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). Projects financed with four percent LIHTCs will be eligible for up to $2,000,000 in gap financing from the State Housing Fund. In addition to State Housing Trust Funds, National Housing Trust Funds are also available, making almost $21 million dollars available under this NOFA.

QAP Florida

Florida Hosts Meeting on Rental Housing for Persons with Special Needs and Homeless Households – Aug. 10

Florida Housing will hold a virtual meeting titled, “Florida Housing’s Strategies for Financing Permanent Rental Housing for Persons with Special Needs and Homeless Households” on August 10, 2021, beginning at 2 p.m. ET. Register here. The meeting’s agenda will include: 

QAP Illinois

Comments on Illinois’s 2022-2023 Draft QAP due July 30

The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) released a revised 2022-2023 draft QAP. IHDA will hold a public hearing on July 21 at 1:30 p.m. ET. Join via this link. Comments should be sent to qapfeedback@ihda.org by 5 p.m. CT on July 30.

QAP Maryland

Maryland Extends EOY Reporting Deadline, Re-Opens Portal

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development is re-opening its submission portal for end of year (EOY) reporting through August 2. A list of all properties subject to 2020 EOY Data Submission is available here.

QAP Michigan

Michigan Posts 2021 LIHTC Reservations

The Michigan State Housing Development Authority posted the Reservations for the February 1, 2021 LIHTC Funding Round.

QAP Montana

Montana Holds ARAP Commission Meeting – July 21

Montana’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Economic Transformation, Stabilization and Workforce Development Advisory Commission Meeting will meet on July 21, 2021, at 9 a.m. until 3:15 p.m. MT in the State Capitol. The meeting will be held in Room 137 and will also be live-streamed. To join the meeting via Zoom, please email Bonnie Martello at bmartello@mt.gov to register. 

QAP New Hampshire

New Hampshire Updates Replacement Reserve Policy

New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority (NHHFA) updated its replacement reserve policy, effective immediately. Key changes include:  

QAP New Jersey

New Jersey Proposes Changes to Tenant Selection Standards

The New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency is proposing amendments to its tenant selection standards rules. The proposed amendments clarify certain provisions and update the rules to correspond with current terminology and to remain current with legal standards arising from applicable State and Federal statutory and regulatory requirements related to fair housing, including guidance from HUD. Comments are due by September 17 to Jim Peasco, senior legal research analyst at jpeasco@njhmfa.gov.

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