Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Kansas

Comments on Kansas’ QAP Due Sept. 17

The Kansas Housing Resources Corporation is accepting comments on its draft 2022 QAP through September 17. Comments should be sent to housingdevelopment@kshousingcorp.org.

QAP Louisiana

LIHTC Disaster Relief for 25 Louisiana Parishes; 2022-2023 QAP Timeline Remains the Same

President Joseph Biden declared a Federal Major Disaster for 25 parishes in Louisiana. LIHTC properties in those parishes are granted temporary relief from certain requirements via the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) Rev. Proc 2014-49.

QAP Minnesota

Applications Due to Minnesota by Sept. 15 for Year End Loan Servicing

Loan servicing requests received by Minnesota Housing before September 15, 2021 will receive review priority to meet end of year closing deadlines. Loan servicing requests submitted after Sept. 15, 2021 cannot be guaranteed to close before the end of the year.

QAP Oregon

Oregon Affordable Rental Housing Engagement Calls

Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) will hold weekly affordable rental housing engagement calls on Thursdays throughout September.

QAP South Dakota

Mark Lausneg Retires from South Dakota

The staff and board members of South Dakota Housing invite you to celebrate the retirement of Mark Lauseng from South Dakota Housing and his 34 years of service.

QAP California

California Updates Four Percent 2021 State Tax Credit Dashboard

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC) updated its four percent LIHTC dashboard for the 2021 state tax credit.

QAP Kentucky

Comments on the Development of Kentucky’s 2023-2024 QAP Due Sept. 9

Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) is soliciting feedback on current scoring criteria and incentives for the development of the 2023-2024 QAP, Multifamily Guidelines and scoring workbook.

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana Posts 2022-2023 QAP Model Application, FAQs

Louisiana Housing Corporation published the 2022-2023 QAP Application Model and updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) from August 16.

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana Conducts Hurricane Ida Impact Assessment

Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC) is asking property owners and operators to help determine the extent of damage of LHC-funded properties, as well as the displacement of residents, if any, as a result of the storm.

QAP Massachusetts

Massachusetts Posts $16 Million NHTF NOFA for Supportive Housing Projects

The Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) released a Notice of Funding Availability for potential supportive housing projects.

QAP New Hampshire

LIHTC, Supportive Housing Programs Staff Changes at New Hampshire Housing

Ted Seely, who has been managing the LIHTC program, has moved to New Hampshire Housing’s Asset Management team.

QAP New Hampshire

New Hampshire Requires Written Consent for Transfer of Partnership in LIHTC Projects

In most instances, the transfer of partnership interest in a LIHTC property requires New Hampshire Housing’s prior written consent.

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