Virginia Housing updated its Mixed-Income, Mixed-Use/Mixed-Income (MI/MUMI) program underwriting policies with new minimum loan sizing metrics to be applied based on total loan size.
The Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) released its draft 2022-2023 QAP, comments are due to by September 15.
The Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) released a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) soliciting applications from State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) eligible Communities and Counties for CDBG State Special Projects (SSP) eligible activities.
What do developers, issuers and borrowers need to know when dealing with Private Activity Bonds (PAB)? Once bonds have been issued, what does that mean for these parties in terms of agreements, regulatory compliance and disclosure?
Florida Housing Finance Corporation will hold four virtual workshops for RFAs to solicit comments and suggestions.
Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC) will hold a Board of Directors meeting on October 22.
The Kansas Housing Resources Corporation is accepting comments on its draft 2022 QAP through September 17. Comments should be sent to
President Joseph Biden declared a Federal Major Disaster for 25 parishes in Louisiana. LIHTC properties in those parishes are granted temporary relief from certain requirements via the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) Rev. Proc 2014-49.
Loan servicing requests received by Minnesota Housing before September 15, 2021 will receive review priority to meet end of year closing deadlines. Loan servicing requests submitted after Sept. 15, 2021 cannot be guaranteed to close before the end of the year.
Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) will hold weekly affordable rental housing engagement calls on Thursdays throughout September.
The staff and board members of South Dakota Housing invite you to celebrate the retirement of Mark Lauseng from South Dakota Housing and his 34 years of service.
The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC) updated its four percent LIHTC dashboard for the 2021 state tax credit.