Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Oregon

Oregon Proposes Changes to State LIHTC – Hearing Dec. 16

Oregon Housing and Community Services will hold a virtual hearing on its state Affordable Housing Tax Credit Program proposed rule.  

QAP Nebraska

Nebraska Hosts QAP Hearing Nov. 19; QAP Overview Nov. 15

The Nebraska Investment Finance Authority (NIFA) will hold a public hearing at 9 a.m. CT on November 19 in the NIFA Board Room located at 1230 O Street, Suite 200, Lincoln, NE 68508.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota to Receive $31 Million in HOME-ARP

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 appropriated $5 billion to be administered by HUD under the HOME Investment Partnerships Program to increase housing stability by assisting individuals, households or other vulnerable populations who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

QAP Kentucky

Kentucky Hosts Multifamily Developer Forum – Nov. 16

Kentucky Housing Corporation will host a virtual developer forum to solicit feedback for the development of the 2023-2024 QAP and scoring criteria.

QAP Florida

Florida Hosts HOME-ARP Workshop – Dec. 2

Florida Housing will host a workshop regarding Home Investment Partnerships Program from the American Rescue Plan Act.

QAP Florida

Florida Issues Application Submitted Report for RFA 2021-211

Florida Housing issued the application submitted report for RFA 2021-211 Development Viability Loan Funding.

QAP Florida

Florida Issues RFA 2021-206, Workshop Nov. 16

Florida Housing issued RFA 2022-106 Financing to Develop Housing for Persons with Disabling Conditions/Developmental Disabilities.

QAP Florida

Florida Issues RFA 2021-101, 2021-204, 2022-103 & 2022-106

Florida Housing issued RFA 2021-101 Elderly Housing Community Loan.

QAP Connecticut

Connecticut Offers Taxable Bond Financing Options for 2022 Nine Percent LIHTC Round

The Connecticut Housing Finance Authority will offer taxable bond financing for developments planning to apply in the 2022 nine percent LIHTC Round.

QAP Colorado

Colorado 2021 Round Two LIHTC Awards

The Colorado Housing and Finance Authority completed its second allocation round of 2021.

QAP California

California TCAC Meeting Nov. 17; Publishes Draft 2022 Opportunity Maps

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee updated its 2021 Program Schedule to include a November 17 committee meeting.

QAP Arizona

Arizona Issues Final 2022-2023 QAP, Hearing Nov. 10

The Arizona Department of Housing posted the final draft of its 2022-2023 QAP.

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