Mayor Bill de Blasio announced four key appointments to his administration, pledging to expand access to affordable housing and upgrade the city’s aging public housing stock. The mayor named Shola Olatoye as chair of the New York City Housing Authority, Cecil House as the authority’s general manager, Vicki Been as the commissioner of the Department […]
Montana Board of Housing will host a 2016 QAP planning session on April 1 & 2, 2014.
Tennessee Housing Development Agency Announced three public hearing dates for the 2015 Tennessee QAP on February 18, April 22, and June 23.
Kentucky Housing Corporation will host an open forum to solicit feedback for the 2015 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) and Multifamily Finance Guidelines, including scoring criteria for the 2015 funding round, on Wednesday, February 26, 2014, 1-3 p.m.
Washington State Housing Finance Agency released a report demonstrating how the agency has impacted housing opportunity over the last 30 years.
A change in New York State’s implementation of its 80/20 program aims to give affordable housing developments a boost, and balance demand for tax-exempt bonds issued by the state division of Homes and Community Renewal.
Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) has adopted temporary rules for the Low Income Rental Housing Program.
Kentucky Housing Corporation announced a public hearing on Thursday, February 20, 2014 for the 2014 Consolidated Action Plan. Additionally, KHC announced the awards for funding for the 2013 application round competing for 2014 program resources. KHC received 50 applications requesting over $30 million in Low Income Housing Tax Credits (Housing Credits), and was able to […]
California Tax Credit Allocation Committee posted the 2014 Development Application Workshop presentation slides on the TCAC website.
“This legislative session, Colorado has a great opportunity to strengthen resources for affordable housing. Colorado State Representative Crisanta Duran (Democrat-District 5) and State Senator Jessie Ulilbarri (Democrat-District 21) have introduced HB-1017 which proposes to renew Colorado’s State Low Income Housing Tax Credit program. Colorado previously had a State Housing Credit in 2001 and 2002. […]
North Carolina Housing Finance Agency received 152 preliminary applications in 56 counties for the 2014 housing credit cycle. The list of the 2014 preliminary applications is available on their website.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio promises to build or preserve 200,000 affordable units over 10 years after making low-income housing a top priority in his 2013 campaign.