Minnesota Housing Finance Agency has published a draft of the proposed 2016 Housing Tax Credit Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP), and is seeking public comment on the proposed amendments through a public hearing on March 17.
The Draft Oregon 2014 QAP is available for public comment from February 24, 2014 through March 25, 2014 and you may view the draft on Oregon Housing and Community Services’ website. OHCS will host a Public Hearing on the 2014 Draft QAP on Tuesday, March 18, 2014.
Illinois Housing Development Agency deadline for the 2014 Round I LIHTC Applications and Round II PPA’s is March 31, 2014.
Alabama Housing Finance Authority updated their website to include the 2014 HOME and Housing Credit Application Forms, Checklist, Index Pages and Instructions. The deadline to submit an application for the 2014 competitive cycle is March 18, 2014.
Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency’s deadline for 2014 Cycle 2 LIHTC applications are due Friday, March 14, 2014
West Virginia Housing Development Fund will host an FHA & ADA Training on April 16.
HUD and MassHousing will host a Fair Housing Accessibility Training on April 8th.
Click here to support renewing the State Low Income Housing Tax Credit program from Colorado Housing and Finance Authority.
Utah Housing Corporation will host a public hearing on the 2015 Utah QAP on Monday, March 24, 2014.
Minnesota Housing Finance Agency has published a draft of the proposed 2016 Housing Tax Credit Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP), and is seeking public comment on the proposed amendments through a public hearing on March 17.
The Draft Oregon 2014 QAP is available for public comment from February 24, 2014 through March 25, 2014 and you may view the draft on Oregon Housing and Community Services’ website. OHCS will host a Public Hearing on the 2014 Draft QAP on Tuesday, March 18, 2014.
Alabama Housing Finance Authority updated their website to include the 2014 HOME and Housing Credit Application Forms, Checklist, Index Pages and Instructions. The deadline to submit an application for the 2014 competitive cycle is March 18, 2014.