OHFA has released the 2015 Draft Ohio QAP for public review and comments. The annual public hearing for the 2015 QAP will be held on Wednesday, August 20, 2014. Comments may be emailed to 2015QAPMailbox@ohiohome.org.
NCHFA is accepting comments on the 2015 North Carolina Qualified Allocation Plan. Please submit comments by Friday, August 22nd to be considered before the first draft is released. You may email comments to rentalhelp@nchfa.com.
NIFA will hold a Focus Group Meeting to gather comments in preparation of creating the 2015 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) package on Thursday, July 31, 2014
KHC has made revisions to the draft score sheet for the 2015 Multifamily funding round however, the draft QAP has not been modified. KHC will host a public hearing for the 2015 QAP on Thursday, August 7, 2014
The proposed Iowa QAP is posted to the Iowa Finance Authority website and are open for public comment through 4:30 PM on September 9, 2014. Additionally, The Iowa Finance Authority will hold a public hearing on September 9, 2014, to receive public comments on the 2015 Draft Qualified Allocation Plan.
The CHFA Board approved the 2014 Connecticut QAP, pending further amendments. Currently, CHFA is requesting comments on the proposed amendments, which are due on August 8. Additionally, CHFA released the Schedule of Competitive Multifamily Funding Rounds. Currently, the deadline to apply for 9% LIHTCs is November 3, 2014.
ADFA will host a policy development forum on August 4.
ADOH is requests input for its 2015 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP). Please provide written comments by August 8, 2014 at 5:00 pm to 2015-QAP-Comments@azhousing.gov. Additionally, ADOH will host two public hearings on September 15 and September 19.
WCDA announced the availability of funds through an application period for $3,000,000 in LIHTC Funds and $5,025,000 available in HOME funds. The application deadline is August 22, 2014.
WHEDA has modified the Qualified Allocation Plan regarding submittal dates and selection criteria for the 2014 LIHTC “High Impact Reserve Project”. The 2014 LIHTC High Impact Project Reserve (HIPR) application is now available on LOLA, WHEDA’s LIHTC online system. Applications will be accepted from July 15-30.
OHCS announced the 2014 Notice for Funding Availability for LIHTC and HOME Funds. Applications must be submitted by August 15, 2014.
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder approved the 2015-2016 Michigan QAP. The first round application deadline is October 15, 2014.