Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Texas

TDHCA Announced the Public Comment Period for the Draft 2015 HOME

TDHCA announced the public comment period for the Draft 2015 HOME, Housing Tax Credit and Housing Trust Fund Regional Allocation Formula (“RAF”) Methodology. The Draft 2015 RAF Methodology will be made available for official public comment from Friday, August 15, 2014, through Monday, September 15, 2014, at 6:00 pm. A formal public hearing will be […]

QAP South Dakota

SDHDA is Soliciting Comments on the 2015 Annual Action Plan of the Consolidated Plan

SDHDA is soliciting comments on the 2015 Annual Action Plan of the Consolidated Plan and the allocation plans for the HOME, Housing Tax Credits and Housing Opportunity Fund Programs. The deadline to submit comments is Friday, August 22. Please contact Lorraine Polak at 605.773.3181 or lorraine@sdhda.org for more information.

QAP North Dakota

NDHFA Staff is in the Process of Developing a Draft 2015 QAP

NDHFA staff is in the process of developing a Draft 2015 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP). If you have suggestions for changes to the existing plan, please provide your written comments by August 26, 2014 to sburgess@ndhfa.org. NDHFA expects to have a draft QAP ready for public comment by mid-October, 2014.

QAP North Carolina

NCHFA is Accepting Comments on the 2015 North Carolina QAP

NCHFA is accepting comments on the 2015 North Carolina Qualified Allocation Plan. Please submit comments by Friday, August 22nd to be considered before the first draft is released. You may email comments to rentalhelp@nchfa.com.

QAP Iowa

The Proposed Iowa QAP is Posted to the Iowa Finance Authority Website

The proposed Iowa QAP is posted to the Iowa Finance Authority website and are open for public comment through 4:30 PM on September 9, 2014. Additionally, The Iowa Finance Authority will hold a public hearing on September 9, 2014, to receive public comments on the 2015 Draft Qualified Allocation Plan.

QAP Arizona

ADOH Requests Input for its 2015 QAP

ADOH requests input for its 2015 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP). ADOH will host two public hearings on September 15 and September 19.

QAP Wyoming

WCDA Announced the Availability of Funds

WCDA announced the availability of funds through an application period for $3,000,000 in LIHTC Funds and $5,025,000 available in HOME funds. The application deadline is August 22, 2014.

QAP Oregon

OHCS Announced the 2014 Notice for Funding Availability

OHCS announced the 2014 Notice for Funding Availability for LIHTC and HOME Funds. Applications must be submitted by August 15, 2014.

QAP New York

New York State Homes and HCR and the NYS Housing Trust Fund Corp Have Announced the Latest Round of Funding

New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR), the Division of Housing and Community Renewal and the NYS Housing Trust Fund Corporation have announced the latest round of funding available through their Unified Funding application process. The RFP is expected to be available on August 15. The application deadline for early round projects is Tuesday, […]

QAP Michigan

Governor Rick Snyder Approved the 2015-2016 Michigan QAP

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder approved the 2015-2016 Michigan QAP. The first round application deadline is October 1, 2014.

QAP Maryland

Applications for the 2014 Maryland Competitive Funding Round Are Due

Applications for the 2014 Maryland Competitive Funding Round are due by Tuesday, September 9, 2014.

QAP Texas

The TDHCA Cancelled the 2015 Draft QAP Roundtable

The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs cancelled the roundtable discussion for the 2015 Draft Qualified Allocation Plan and 2015 Draft Uniform Multifamily Rules that was originally scheduled for July 15. The roundtable will be rescheduled for a date in August.

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