Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP California

California Legislature Passes State HTC Bill

The California State Legislature passed a bill August 27 that would establish a state historic rehabilitation tax credit (HTC).  A.B. 1999 was introduced by Speaker of the Assembly Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) and passed the State Assembly 75-0 in June. Since then it has passed the Senate Governance and Finance Committee and the Senate Appropriations Committee. […]

QAP New Jersey

New Jersey HMFA Released the 2014 Utility Allowances

New Jersey HMFA released the 2014 Utility Allowances effective July 1, 2014. Per IRS regulations, the new utility allowances must be implemented no later than 90 days from the date received or September 29, 2014

QAP West Virginia

WVHDF Requests Comments on the 2015 and 2016 Tax Credit Manual

WVHDF requests comments on the 2015 and 2016 Tax Credit Manual. The deadline to submit comments is September 4.

QAP Virginia

VHDA Will Host a 2015 QAP Focus Group

VHDA will host a 2015 QAP Focus Group on September 3 prior to before the Virginia Housing Coalition’s Tax Credit Conference.

QAP Texas

TDHCA Announced the Public Comment Period for the Draft 2015 HOME

TDHCA announced the public comment period for the Draft 2015 HOME, Housing Tax Credit and Housing Trust Fund Regional Allocation Formula (“RAF”) Methodology. The Draft 2015 RAF Methodology will be made available for official public comment from Friday, August 15, 2014, through Monday, September 15, 2014, at 6:00 pm. A formal public hearing will be […]

QAP New Mexico

MFA is Accepting Comments for the 2015 Draft New Mexico QAP

MFA is accepting comments for the 2015 Draft New Mexico QAP until September 22, 2014. Comments may be mailed to MFA’s office or to Dan Foster at dfoster@housingnm.org. MFA will host a public hearing for the QAP on September 3, 2014.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Housing is Accepting Comments for the 2015 Minnesota Affordable Housing Plan

Minnesota Housing is accepting comments for the 2015 Minnesota Affordable Housing Plan, which outlines key programmatic and policy initiatives, specifies program-by-program funding and establishes production goals. You may email your comments to mn.housing@state.mn.us by Friday, August 29.

QAP Kentucky

KHC Released the Draft Multifamily Finance Guidelines

KHC released the draft Multifamily Finance Guidelines for the 2015 funding round. The guidelines are available for review and are posted on KHC’s website. Additionally, KHC will host 2 mandatory 2015 QAP and Multifamily Application Trainings on Thursday, September 11, 2014 or Tuesday, September 30, 2014.

QAP Iowa

The Proposed Iowa QAP is Posted to the Iowa Finance Authority Website

The proposed Iowa QAP is posted to the Iowa Finance Authority website and are open for public comment through September 9, 2014. Additionally, The Iowa Finance Authority will hold a public hearing on September 9, 2014, to receive public comments on the 2015 Draft Qualified Allocation Plan.

QAP Connecticut

A Public Hearing Will Be Held at the CHFA Offices

A Public Hearing will be held at the CHFA Offices at Wednesday, August 27, 2014 to discuss the proposed amendments to the Draft 2014 QAP.

QAP Arkansas

ADFA Released Proposed Changes to ADFA Housing Policies

ADFA released proposed changes to ADFA Housing Policies for 2014-2015 and will be accepting additional proposals or comments until September 26, 2014.

QAP Arizona

ADOH Requests Input for its 2015 QAP

ADOH requests input for its 2015 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP). ADOH will host two public hearings on September 15 and September 19.

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