Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Michigan

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Approved the 2015-2016 Michigan QAP

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder approved the 2015-2016 Michigan QAP. The first round application deadline is October 1, 2014.

QAP Connecticut

The CHFA Board Approved the 2014 Connecticut QAP

The CHFA Board approved the 2014 Connecticut QAP. Applications are due on November 3, 2014. A workshop will be held on September 30 to discuss the 2014 funding process.

QAP California

TCAC Sustainable Building Method Workbook Has Been Updated

TCAC Sustainable Building Method Workbook has been updated. New sections in the workbook include: a FAQ section in the Instructions, a Minimum Construction Standards + CalGreen worksheet with guidance for 4% project applicants, and updated rehabilitation documents for building assessments and combustion safety testing.

QAP Texas

TDHCA Announced the Public Comment Period for the Draft 2015 HOME

TDHCA announced the public comment period for the Draft 2015 HOME, Housing Tax Credit and Housing Trust Fund Regional Allocation Formula (“RAF”) Methodology. The Draft 2015 RAF Methodology will be made available for official public comment from Friday, August 15, 2014, through Monday, September 15, 2014, at 6:00 pm.

QAP New Mexico

MFA Is Accepting Comments for the 2015 Draft New Mexico QAP

MFA is accepting comments for the 2015 Draft New Mexico QAP until September 22, 2014. Comments may be mailed to MFA’s office or to Dan Foster at dfoster@housingnm.org.

QAP Kentucky

KHC Released the Draft Multifamily Finance Guidelines

KHC released the draft Multifamily Finance Guidelines for the 2015 funding round. The guidelines are available for review and are posted on KHC’s website. Additionally, KHC will host 2 mandatory 2015 QAP and Multifamily Application Trainings on Thursday, September 11, 2014 or Tuesday, September 30, 2014.

QAP Arkansas

ADFA Released Proposed Changes to ADFA Housing Policies

ADFA released proposed changes to ADFA Housing Policies for 2014-2015 and will be accepting additional proposals or comments until September 26, 2014.

QAP Arizona

ADOH Requests Input for its 2015 QAP

ADOH requests input for its 2015 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP). ADOH will host two public hearings on September 15 and September 19.

QAP Pennsylvania

All Applications for the 2015 Cycle Will Be Due on January 30, 2015

All applications for the 2015 cycle will be due on January 30, 2015. There will only be on funding cycle in 2015. PHFA will host a Pre-Application Meeting for the 2015 PennHOMES/Low Income Tax Credit Programs on Wednesday, October 1, 2014.

QAP New York

New York State HCR Have Announced the Latest Round of Funding

New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR), the Division of Housing and Community Renewal and the NYS Housing Trust Fund Corporation have announced the latest round of funding available through their Unified Funding application process. The application deadline for early round projects is Tuesday, October 7, 2014, by 5:00 PM. The application deadline for […]

QAP Michigan

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Approved the 2015-2016 Michigan QAP

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder approved the 2015-2016 Michigan QAP. The first round application deadline is October 1, 2014.

QAP Connecticut

CHFA Board Approved the 2014 Connecticut QAP

The CHFA Board approved the 2014 Connecticut QAP. Applications are due on November 3, 2014. A workshop will be held on September 30 to discuss the 2014 funding process.

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