Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Vermont

Vermont’s Joint Committee on Tax Credits Will Host a 2015 QAP Public Hearing

Vermont’s Joint Committee on Tax Credits will host a 2015 QAP public hearing on September 29, 2014

QAP Texas

TDHCA Will Host Two Roundtables on September 25, 2014

TDHCA will host two Roundtables on September 25, 2014 to discuss Section 811 PRA and the 2015 Draft QAP.

QAP Tennessee

THDA is Accepting Comments On the CAPER

THDA is accepting comments on the Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) for the four Programs covered under HUD’s Consolidated Planning (CDBG, HOME, ESG, and HOPWA).

QAP Nebraska

NIFA Will Hold a Public Hearing

NIFA will hold a public hearing with respect to the 2015 QAP on October 2, 2014.

QAP Kentucky

KHC Released the Draft Multifamily Finance Guidelines for the 2015 Funding Round

KHC released the draft Multifamily Finance Guidelines for the 2015 funding round. The guidelines are available for review and are posted on KHC’s website. Additionally, KHC will host 2 mandatory 2015 QAP and Multifamily Application Trainings on September 30, 2014.

QAP Colorado

CHFA Will Host Three Public Hearings in Colorado

CHFA will host three public hearings in Colorado regarding the 2015 QAP on October 1, October 2, and October 16. The draft QAP will be available no later than October 1.

QAP California

CTCAC Will Host 5 Public Hearings Between September 29-October 2

CTCAC will host 5 public hearings between September 29-October 2 to discuss the proposed changes for the 2015 QAP.

QAP Arkansas

ADFA Released Proposed Changes to ADFA Housing Policies for 2014-2015

ADFA released proposed changes to ADFA Housing Policies for 2014-2015 and will be accepting additional proposals or comments until October 10, 2014.

QAP Alabama

AHFA Will Conduct a Public Hearing for the Proposed 2015 HOME Action Plan

AHFA will conduct a public hearing for the proposed 2015 HOME Action Plan and the 2015 QAP on October 8, 2014.

QAP Pennsylvania

All Applications for the 2015 Cycle Will Be Due on January 30, 2015

All applications for the 2015 cycle will be due on January 30, 2015. There will only be one funding cycle in 2015. PHFA will host a Pre-Application Meeting for the 2015 PennHOMES/Low Income Tax Credit Programs on Wednesday, October 1, 2014.

QAP Ohio

The OHFA Board Approved the 2015 Ohio QAP

The OHFA Board approved the 2015 Ohio QAP on September 27. Approximately $27 million in resources will be distributed throughout the state to support the development of affordable rental housing. A training will be held on October 6, 2014. The deadline to submit an application is December 19, 2014.

QAP New York

Latest Round of Funding Available Through New York State HCR Unified Funding Application Process

New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR), the Division of Housing and Community Renewal and the NYS Housing Trust Fund Corporation have announced the latest round of funding available through their Unified Funding application process. The application deadline for early round projects is Tuesday, October 7, 2014, by 5:00 PM. The application deadline for […]

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