Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Arkansas

ADFA is Holding an Affordable Housing Workshop

The Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA) is holding an affordable housing workshop.  The workshop is an opportunity for interested persons to learn more about ADFA’s housing programs and receive technical assistance on ADFA’s program policies and application process. ADFA will provide information on: Available housing programs; Available housing resources; How to maintain compliance with all […]

QAP Texas

Processes and Procedures to Initiate a Housing Tax Credit LURA

Land Use Restriction Agreements (“LURA”) for Low Income Housing Tax Credit Developments impose the income and rent restrictions identified in the Development’s final underwriting report and other representations made at application, including but not limited to, specific commitments to provide tenant services, to lease to Persons with Disabilities and/or to provide specific amenities. Developments beginning […]

QAP Oregon

Oregon Legislature Allocated LBB to Support OHCS Efforts

The Oregon Legislature allocated Lottery Backed Bonds (LBB) to support OHCS efforts to preserve the state’s affordable housing stock. The funding is intended to preserve housing at risk of converting to market rate rents due to expiring federal contracts or maturing federal loans with 25 percent or more project-based rental assistance. The purpose of this […]

QAP North Carolina

NCHFA Has Released the Second Draft of the 2015 QAP

The North Carolina Housing Finance Agency has released the second draft of the 2015 Qualified Allocation Plan and the Second Draft Revisions Memo. Both are available on the Agency’s website. The Agency will continue to post second draft comments as they are received.

QAP Louisiana

Deadline for Submitting Written Comments on the 2015 Draft QAP is Friday, November 14

The deadline for submitting written comments on the 2015 Draft QAP is Friday, November 14th.  Please submit all comments to [email protected]. A link to the draft QAP is available online.

QAP Louisiana

Public Hearing on the Proposed Calendar Year 2015 QAP Will Be on November 5, 2014

The Louisiana Housing Corporation gave notice that a public hearing on the proposed Calendar Year 2015 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) will be held at 9:00 a.m. on November 5, 2014, at the Louisiana Housing Corporation, 2415 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808. Copies of the proposed Calendar Year 2015 QAP are available on LHC’s website.

QAP Kentucky

KHC Has Revised the 2015 Multifamily Guidelines

The Kentucky Housing Corporation has revised the 2015 Multifamily Guidelines to clarify policy issues related to funding the operating deficit reserve account, the process for the pre-construction conference and issuance of the notice to proceed, and credit rate lock-in requirements for Housing Credit projects. All changes to the guidelines are highlighted for easy reference. The […]

QAP California

TCAC Staff is Suspending its Regulation Promulgation Process

At the request of Treasurer Lockyer, California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) staff is suspending its regulation promulgation process at this time. This decision will afford the new Treasurer and new State Controller an opportunity to participate in the rulemaking process for the 2015 program year. TCAC staff will advise the public of any future […]

QAP Arizona

ADH Has Posted a Draft of the 2015 LIHTC Additional Forms

The Arizona Department of Housing has posted a draft of the 2015 LIHTC Additional Forms (with the exception of Form 3) on its website. Please download the Information Bulletin for additional information.

QAP Alabama

ADECA Community and Economic Development Unit Invites the General Public to Attend a Public Forum

The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) Community and Economic Development Unit invites the general public to attend a public forum scheduled to be conducted on Thursday, November 13, 2014, at 10:30 a.m. at the Perdido Beach Resort Hotel located at 27200 Perdido Beach Blvd., Orange Beach, Alabama 36561. The forum will be […]

QAP Alabama

FDIC Approved a Final Rule Requiring Asset-Backed Security Issuers to Retain Part of the Risk

In October, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) approved a final rule requiring asset-backed security issuers to retain part of the risk in any asset they securitize. The final rule explicitly exempts all loans originated through state HFA programs–like AHFA–from the risk retention requirements. In short, this means that banks and others who sell securities […]

QAP Alabama

Residents of Alabama are Paying Substantially Less for Mortgages

Residents of Alabama are paying substantially less for mortgages compared to the national average. In a recent report from Business Insider, Alabama’s average amount owed on a mortgage is listed at $114,119. Compare that to the U.S. average of $157,154 and it is clear that Alabama ranks in the lower end of what Business Insider […]

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