Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP California

CTCAC Announced Proposed Regulation Changes

California Tax Credit Allocation Committee announced proposed regulation changes to the Qualified Allocation Plan, along with a statement of reasons. If approved, TCAC will enact the changes on March 18, 2015. TCAC will hold a public hearing on the proposed changes on February 24, 2015.

QAP Maryland

MHT is Now Accepting Applications Maryland Historical Trust is now accepting applications for the Small Commercial Tax Credit

The Maryland Historical Trust is now accepting applications for the Small Commercial Tax Credit. Eligible projects may earn a state income tax credit equal to 20 percent of qualified rehabilitation expenditures.

QAP Ohio

2016-2017 QAP Comment Period Ends April 30

As the Ohio Housing Finance Agency multifamily program offices continue the process of preparing the 2016-2017 QAP, they will focus on preparing the first draft of the QAP scheduled to be released in early March 2015.

QAP Ohio

Multifamily Lending Program Eligible for Competitive Points

OHFA announced the Multifamily Lending Program can be used in conjunction with the 2015 9% LIHTC proposal applications, and the program is eligible for competitive points under Development Characteristic Priority 3c.

QAP Kentucky

HOME/AHTF Program Application Remains Open Until Funds Awarded

The Kentucky Housing Corporation’s 2015 Application for HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) and the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) will remain open until all funds have been awarded.

QAP Texas

FAQ Update for 2015 Competitive Housing Tax Credit Cycle

Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs posted to its website an updated FAQ for the 2015 Competitive Housing Tax Credit Cycle. If you have any questions about the 9% Program, please contact Kathryn Saar at kathryn.saar@tdhca.state.tx.us.

QAP Ohio

Sixth Issue of 2015 QAP FAQ Released

The sixth issue of the FAQ for the 2015 QAP has been posted to the OHFA website. New content is underlined for clarity and ease of use.  

QAP Kentucky

HouseWorks repair Program Application Available

The application for the 2015 Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) HouseWorks Repair Program (HouseWorks) is now available. The application guidelines are available on KHC’s website, under Development, Single-Family.

QAP Connecticut

Housing Tax Credit Applications due May 1

The Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) released a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the State of Connecticut Housing Tax Credit Contribution Program (HTCC).

QAP Alabama

2015 Multifamily Funding Application Available

Alabama Housing Finance Authority posted to its website the AHFA Presubmission Guidance, 2015 Application Forms and Instructions, AHFA DMS Authority Online Application & Instructions, AHFA Complete Application Submission, and Additional Documents for the 2015 Application Cycle. The competitive application period ends on March 19, 2015.

QAP Oregon

OHCS Released the 2015 NOFA

Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) released the 2015 NOFA.

QAP Massachusetts

Massachusetts DHCD’s Division of Housing Development Will Hold Information Sessions

Massachusetts DHCD’s Division of Housing Development will hold information sessions on Monday, February 9th, and Thursday, February 12th, to help developers and consultants prepare for the Department’s upcoming rental funding competition.

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