The California Housing Consortium released a list of housing-related bills to watch:
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) has posted to its website a schedule for public hearings for purposes of taking public comment on the 2015 Competitive (9%) Housing Tax Credit Applications. If you have any questions about submitting public comment or the Competitive (9%) Housing Tax Credit (“HTC”) Cycle, please contact Kathryn Saar at or by phone at 512.936.7834
The first draft of the 2016-2017 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) is now available on the OHFA website. OHFA partners are encouraged to respond to this and future drafts of the QAP by attending scheduled public hearings and by providing written comments to Written comments will be accepted through April 30, 2015.
If you plan to apply for funds from Minnesota Housing for the 2015 Consolidated Request for Proposals (RFP) or 2016 Housing Tax Credits (HTC) Round 1, please note the following updates.
Florida Housing will hold a Preservation Request for Applications (RFA) workshop on March 26, 2015, beginning at 3:00 p.m., Eastern Time.
The workshop will be held to solicit comments and suggestions from interested persons relative to Florida Housing’s proposed Request for Applications (RFA) 2015-104 offering an estimated $6,210,000 of Housing Credit financing for the Preservation of existing affordable multifamily housing developments.
Registration forms for the 2015 LIHTCP Application Workshop with fee are due no later than next Monday, March 2, 2015.
The deadline for the 2015 Housing Tax Credit Proposal Applications was Friday, February 20. Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) received a total of 103 applications. Project proposal summaries submitted by applicants have been posted to the OHFA website.
DHCD rental round is underway with pre-applications currently under review. Sponsors of pre-applications that receive DHCD’s approval will be invited to submit full applications, using the online OneStop+ application, by April 23, 2015.
District of Columbia Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) is offering enhanced rebates for all chiller projects scheduled for installation by May 1, 2015.
U.S. HUD is waiving for the San Francisco Housing Authority (SFHA), to a limited extent and subject to certain conditions, the 20 percent cap on project-basing and certain other provisions governing project-based assistance with respect to an identified portfolio that includes RAD funding.
Arizona Department of Housing posted a revised Form 3 to be used with the 2015 LIHTC applications. Clarifications to QAP dated 02/26/15 has been posted.
Utah Housing Corporation released a letter announcing the 2016 professional input meeting.