Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Massachusetts

DHCD Rental Round is Underway

DHCD rental round is underway with pre-applications currently under review. Sponsors of pre-applications that receive DHCD’s approval will be invited to submit full applications, using the online OneStop+ application, by April 23, 2015.

DCSEU is Offering Enhanced Rebates for All Chiller Projects

District of Columbia Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) is offering enhanced rebates for all chiller projects scheduled for installation by May 1, 2015.

QAP California

HUD is Waiving the 20% Cap for SFHA

U.S. HUD is waiving for the San Francisco Housing Authority (SFHA), to a limited extent and subject to certain conditions, the 20 percent cap on project-basing and certain other provisions governing project-based assistance with respect to an identified portfolio that includes RAD funding.

QAP Arizona

ADH Posted a Revised Form 3

Arizona Department of Housing posted a revised Form 3 to be used with the 2015 LIHTC applications. Clarifications to QAP dated 02/26/15 has been posted.

QAP Utah

Utah Holds 2016 Professional Input Meeting

Utah Housing Corporation released a letter announcing the 2016 professional input meeting.

QAP Florida


Florida Housing expects to offer an estimated $2,300,000 of Housing Credits for the development and revitalization of affordable, multifamily housing, with a focus on proposed Developments that tie into a local initiative(s) to revitalize a neighborhood or community. To solicit comments and suggestions from interested persons relative to the proposed RFA, a workshop is scheduled […]

QAP Virginia

VHDA Makes Changes to its 2015 LIHTC Application

Virginia Housing Development Authority made the following changes to its 2015 LIHTC Application.

QAP Montana

MHP and the Mountain Plains NAHRO Will Jointly Host Annual Conference

Montana Housing Partnership and the Mountain Plains NAHRO will jointly host the Annual Conference, Bridging the Gap, Building Housing Partnerships, on June 8-11 at the Best Western GranTree Hotel and Conference Center.

QAP Minnesota

MHFA Released a Draft of the 2017 Housing Tax Credit Allocation Plan

Minnesota Housing Finance Agency will accept comments on the proposed changes to the distribution of low income housing tax credits to suballocators in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area and Greater Minnesota until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 27.

QAP Michigan

MSHDA Released a Notification of Funding Round

Michigan State Housing Development Authority released a Notification of Funding Round for April 1, 2015 and a memo regarding LIHTC Program Updates & Credit Availability. They are available on the 2015 Funding Round Information page of the MSHDA web site.

QAP Arkansas

ADFA Board of Directors Approves Funding for 3 Applications

Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA) Board of Directors approved funding for three applications to receive $500,000 from the Arkansas Housing Trust Fund Pilot Program.

QAP Alaska

AHFC Will Host Energy Efficiency NOW

Alaska Housing Finance Corporation will host Energy Efficiency NOW: An Energy Performance Conference for Commercial and Public Buildings on March 4-5 in Anchorage, AK. Registration closes on Wednesday, February 25.

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