Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Iowa

The IFA is Preparing a Draft of the 2016 QAP

The Iowa Finance Authority (IFA) is preparing a draft of the 2016 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP), and in lieu of holding a public forum meeting, is soliciting your input via email. It is IFA’s intention to formulate the 2016 QAP similarly to the 2015 QAP.

QAP Wisconsin

WHEDA Awards $12.5 million in LIHTCs

Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority awarded $12.5 million in low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs) to fund 25 affordable housing developments. WHEDA received 51 applications with nearly $28 million in requests for the 2015 LIHTC round. To view the full list of awards, click here.

QAP West Virginia

West Virginia Housing Development Fund Requests 2014 Year End Financial Audits

The West Virginia Housing Development Fund requests 2014 Year End Financial Audits from LIHTCP property owners in the state for each LIHTCP property they own. If your property is not required to have an annual audit, the Fund will accept an accountant’s compilation of the property’s financial statements.

QAP Ohio

OHFA Released Preliminary Reviews of the 2015 Housing Tax Credit Proposal Round

OHFA released preliminary reviews of the 2015 Housing Tax Credit Proposal Round (both scores and underwriting reviews) on Thursday, April 23. Applicants have two weeks to review the information and address issues identified. Responses must be received by OHFA no later than 5:00 PM on Thursday, May 7, 2015.

QAP New Jersey

2015 Unified Application for HMRA Multifamily Rental Housing Production Programs is Now Available

The New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency announced the 2015 Unified Application for HMRA Multifamily Rental Housing Production Programs is now available to be downloaded for all Agency funding. The deadline to submit applications for the 9% Tax Credit round are as follows:

QAP Michigan


The Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) announced the fifth round for the Gap Financing Program NOFA. The Gap Financing Program NOFA is designed to improve MSHDA’s direct-lending production by making available approximately $18 million in gap funding. This funding is being made available exclusively for MSHDA’s Tax Exempt – 4% Low Income Housing Tax […]

QAP Kentucky

KHC Has Released the 2015 HOME for TBRA Application Guidelines

Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) has released the 2015 Application Guidelines for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) for Tenant Based Rental Assistance activities (TBRA). The 2015 Application Guidelines are available on KHC’s website, under Development, Single-Family, HOME Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA).

QAP Wisconsin

WHEDA Amended its Policy for Recertification Exemptions

Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority amended its policy for recertification exemptions to clarify that if an owner has elected a BIN(s) as a project and all have been allocated as 100% low-income as documented on the Form 8609, line 8B these will not be required to complete an annual tenant income recertification.

QAP Ohio

OHFA Anticipates Releasing Preliminary Reviews of 2015 Housing Tax Credit Proposals

Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) anticipates releasing preliminary reviews of 2015 Housing Tax Credit proposals (both scores and minimum financial evaluations) by 12:00 PM on Thursday, April 23. Applicants will have two weeks to review the information and appeal any decisions that have been presented.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Housing Announces the Availability of Funding

Minnesota Housing and its partners announced the availability of funding to build and preserve affordable housing across the state. Total amounts available will be determined by the Minnesota Legislature and a final availability of funds notice will be distributed after the legislative session ends on May 18.

QAP Maryland

MGA passed a budget that funds Rental Housing Works

The Maryland General Assembly passed a budget that funds Rental Housing Works at $20 million. The program provides gap financing for the creation and preservation of affordable rental housing financed through Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Multifamily Bond Program and Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program.

QAP Louisiana

LHC will hold a RAD Workshop

The Louisiana Housing Corporation will hold a Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Workshop for Public Housing Authorities that are converting to RAD or are interested in the Program on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 in the V. Jean Butler Board Room at the Louisiana Housing Corporation.

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