Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Nebraska

Nebraska Will Host Meeting to Gather Comments for 2016 LIHTC Package

The Nebraska Investment Finance Authority will hold a focus group meeting to gather comments in preparation of creating the 2016 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) package. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 1, 2015, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. CST in the NIFA Board Room located at 1230 “O” Street, 2nd Floor, […]

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Budget Exceeds Anticipated Funding Levels for Housing Programs

The approved Michigan state budget includes $104.596 million for all of Minnesota Housing’s state-funded programs. During the special session, the Legislature also passed a Capital Investment bill which authorizes $10 million in Housing Infrastructure Bonds. Overall, Minnesota Housing received a $6.5 million increase in total appropriations above anticipated funding levels. This is a $3 million […]

QAP Michigan

Michigan Hosts Asset Management Conference

Michigan State Housing Development Authority will host the 2015 Asset Management Conference on September 9, 2015 in Lansing, MI. It will release more details about the event in July.

QAP Massachusetts

Massachusetts Gathers Input on State Economic Development Plan

The Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development (EOHED) is hosting a series of six listening sessions across the Commonwealth to gather input on the state’s economic development plan. Listening sessions will be held in Lowell, Lynn, Quincy, Springfield, West Barnstable, and Worcester on Thursday, June 25th.  For more information, including how to register […]

QAP Massachusetts

Report Reviews First 5 Years of MA Affordable Housing Preservation Law Chapter 40T

MassHousing and the Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation released “Chapter 40T at 5: A Retrospective Assessment of the Massachusetts’ Expiring Use Preservation Law.”

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana Housing Corporation Board Resolves in Increase HOME Funding

The LHC board met this month and approved resolutions for the following:

A $900,000 increase in HOME Investment Partnership Program funds available through the 2015 Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) Homeownership Development NOFA

QAP Idaho

Idaho Hosts Developer Forum to Discuss LIHTC QAP

Idaho Housing and Finance Association’s Multifamily Finance Department will conduct a Developer Forum, which will be held at its office, 565 W. Myrtle Street in Boise, Idaho, 1st floor conference room, on July 14, 2015 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (MST). Participants will informally discuss the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Qualified Allocation Plan prior […]

QAP Georgia

Georgia Will Host 19th Annual Conference and Trade Show October 7-9

The Georgia Affordable Housing Coalition will host its annual conference in Savannah on October 7-9. This is the 19th Annual Conference and Trade Show of the GA Affordable Housing Coalition. With keynote speakers, panel discussions, sessions that appeal to development, construction and management interests, this annual meeting of Georgia’s affordable housing industry is recommended for […]

QAP Florida

Florida Releases Draft RFQ for Multifamily Energy Retrofit Program

A draft request for qualifications for the Florida Housing Finance Corporation Multifamily Energy Retrofit Program is available for review and comment. This RFA is expected to be issued in July and Responses will be accepted 1 week later. This is currently estimated to be in mid-July. Any comments on this draft should be submitted quickly […]

QAP Florida

Florida Announces Draft Non-Competitive Application Package

Florida Housing Finance Corporation posted a draft of its Non-Competitive Application Package. FHFC will host a rule development workshop to discuss the draft on Thursday, June 25 at 2:30pm at 227 North Bronough Street, 6th Floor Seltzer Room, in Tallahassee. For call-in instructions, click here.

QAP California

California TCAC Expands Approved Use of Utility Allowance Calculator to Properties Using PV Systems

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) has since 2009 approved the use of the California Utility Allowance Calculator (CUAC) as a means for developers of new Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) projects to determine tenants’ utility allowances.

QAP California

California TCAC Releases Updated QAP Regulations and 2015 Credit Estimates

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee updated June 10 the QAP regulations and June 19 the 2015 Credit Estimates, which describes the allocation process for set asides and geographic regions.

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