Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Indiana

Indiana Seeks Developers for Innovative New Energy Efficiency Initiative

Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) and Energy Systems Network (ESN) announced a new, innovative program aimed at providing energy efficient affordable housing and transportation.

QAP Colorado

Colorado Announces 2016 LIHTC QAP Hearings

CHFA will hold four public hearings in Colorado in order to receive input on the Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) for the LIHTC program and to discuss proposed changes to the QAP for the upcoming year. Tuesday, September 29: Loveland – 9:00am to 10:00am, Loveland Housing Authority , 375 West 37th Street, Suite 200, Thursday, October […]

QAP California

New Utility Incentive Program Matrix for Affordable Rental Housing in California

California Housing Partnership released a Utility Incentive Program Matrix for affordable rental housing in the state. The Matrix is intended to assist owners of affordable rental housing in accessing utility efficiency and renewable incentive programs in California, and help them choose the programs that meet the specific needs of each property. The Matrix provides summaries […]

QAP Texas

Texas Seeks Input on 2016 Draft QAP

In the development of the 2016 Draft Qualified Allocation Plan and Uniform Multifamily Rules, the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs staff is seeking input through an Online Forum for discussion on specific scoring items and/or other topics related to its multifamily funding activities.

QAP Tennessee

Tennessee Releases 2016 Draft QAP

The Tennessee Housing Development Agency released the 2016 Draft LIHTC Allocation Plan and 2016 Draft LIHTC Qualified Allocation Plan Part XIII: Program Compliance. A public hearing regarding the Draft 2016 QAP will be held on Wednesday,September 2, 2015. Additional information about the meeting may be found at here.

QAP New Mexico

New Mexico Releases 2016 Draft QAP and Draft Design Standards

The New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA) announced that the 2016 Draft Low Income Housing Tax Credit Qualified Allocation Plan (Draft QAP) and 2016 Draft Mandatory Design Standards for Multifamily Rental Housing (Draft Design Standards) are available for review and download from the MFA website.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Opens Comment Period for Draft 2016 Annual Action Plan and 2012-16 Consolidated Plan

The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, Minnesota Housing, and the Minnesota Department of Human Services are taking comments on:

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana Releases 2016 Draft QAP, Awards 2015 Tax Credits

The Louisiana Housing Corporation released its 2016 Draft Qualified Allocation Plan on August 12. The corporation will hold a public hearing to receive comments on the plan August 28 at 9:00 a.m. at the LHC headquarters located at 2415 Quail Drive in Baton Rouge. A detailed list of the 2015 approved tax credit recipients and […]

QAP Florida

Florida Begins Advance Review of Applicant and Developer Lists for RFA

The Advance Review of Applicant and Developer Lists of Principals for RFA 2015-109 (SAIL Financing for Smaller Permanent Supportive Housing Properties For Persons With Special Needs) begins August 26, 2015. Information may be submitted for review during the period August 26, 2015 through November 3, 2015 and must be submitted to the e-mail address FHFCAdvanceReview@floridahousing.org.

QAP Florida

Florida Releases Draft RFA for Financing with HOME Funds

A draft of the RFA 2015-110 for Financing of Affordable Multifamily Housing Developments with HOME Funding to be used in conjunction with Florida Housing-Issued MMRB and Non-Competitive HC– is available for review and comment on the webpage.

QAP Colorado

Colorado Announces $28 Million in Housing Credit Awards

CHFA recently announced that it has completed the third and final Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) allocation round of 2015. In Round Three, 31 applications were received seeking nearly $28 million in housing credit. CHFA is awarding allocations to 14 developments, with a total amount of $12,942,141 in credit reserved. These 14 developments will […]

QAP Arizona

Arizona Posts Draft 2016 QAP

The Arizona Department of Housing has posted for review the first draft of the 2016 Qualified Allocation Plan and will accept comments on the draft until September 25 at 4:00 pm. Two Focus Group sessions have been scheduled as well.

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