Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP California

California Issues NOFA for 2015 Drought Housing Relocation Assistance Program

CDHCD announces the availability of approximately $1 million in funding for the 2015 Drought Housing Relocation Assistance Program (DHRA). In response to the Governor’s declaration of a drought state of emergency via Executive Order B-29, dated April 1, 2015, HCD is providing temporary assistance for persons moving from their current residence, if it lacks reasonable […]

QAP Alabama

Alabama Holds Public Hearing on 2016 QAP and HOME Action Plan

Alabama Housing Finance Authority (AHFA) will conduct a public hearing concerning the proposed 2016 HOME Action Plan and the Housing Credit Qualified Allocation Plan (Plans) for the distribution of HOME funds and Housing Credits in exchange for the new construction and substantial rehabilitation of low-income projects and for the monitoring of HOME funds and Housing […]

QAP Washington

Washington Updates Proposed 9% Tax Credit Policy Recommendations

Based on comments and input Washington State Housing Finance Commission received on the draft 2016 tax credit policy recommendations, it is modifying the following policies:

QAP Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Releases Draft 2016 QAP, Holds Pre-Application Meeting October 22

PHFA will host a Pre-Application Meeting for its 2016 PennHomes/Low Income Tax Credit Programs on Thursday, October 22. The purpose of this meeting is to provide updates to the 2016 Programs and review and discuss the 2016 Selection Criteria.

QAP Oregon

Oregon Holds Final Developer Roundtable on 2016 QAP

Oregon Housing and Community Services is in the midst of several planning efforts, including the Qualified Allocation Plan, or QAP, 2016 LIHTC NOFA.

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana Posts Online Application for 2016 QAP Funding Round

The online application for the 2016 QAP Funding Round can now be accessed from the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program page of LHC’s website or by visiting https://webapps8.lhc.la.gov/. If you are a returning user, access the site using the same credentials used for the 2015 online application. Select the “Forgot Password” button if you […]

QAP Kentucky

Kentucky Released Multifamily Guidelines for 2016 Funding Round

Kentucky Housing Corporation posted multifamily guidelines for the 2016 funding round.

QAP Florida

Florida Posts Drafts of 6 Large County, Miami-Dade County Geo RFAs

The Florida Housing Finance Commission posted: 9-9-15 Draft of the 6 Large County Geo RFA 2015-107 has been posted to http://www.floridahousing.org/Developers/MultiFamilyPrograms/Competitive/2015-107/ 9-9-15 Draft of the Miami-Dade County Geo RFA 2015-108 has been posted to http://www.floridahousing.org/Developers/MultiFamilyPrograms/Competitive/2015-108/ To assist in the review of these new drafts, a version comparing the 9-9-15 Draft of each RFA with the […]

QAP Connecticut

Connecticut Holds Training September 30 for New Application Submission Process

Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) will provide training for the new SharePoint website.  This is a direct replacement for the BizNet website previously used to upload Consolidated Applications for CHFA and Department of Housing (DOH) review. Online instructional videos and presentations will be available on the CHFA and DOH websites by Friday, September 18th. If […]

QAP Connecticut

Connecticut Offers Rental Assistance to SSHP Properties Applying for 9% LIHTC

Connecticut Housing Finance Authority indicated that the Department of Housing has rental assistance available to State-Sponsored Housing Portfolio (SSHP) properties that are applying in the 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credit funding round. The following process will be utilized for this round: Contact Helen Muniz at muniz@ct.gov to make your request for rental assistance. Complete the […]

QAP Colorado

Colorado Posts First Draft of 2016 QAP

The first draft of CHFA’s 2016 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) is now available. The primary change for the first draft includes the following proposals: CHFA will hold two application rounds in 2016: one for all State Credit applications, (including those for the disaster recovery areas), and one for 9 percent Federal Credits: Round One: State […]

QAP California

California TCAC Holds Committee Meeting September 23

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee will meet on September 23 to discuss 2015 Second Round Applications for Reservation of Federal and State 9% and 4% LIHTCs. TCAC recommended applications for the 9% and 4% programs are posted to the TCAC website. Click here to read the meeting notice.

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