The Arizona Department of Housing will hold a third focus group and public hearing to receive feedback regarding the 2016 draft Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP).
Florida Housing Finance Corporation issued RFA 2015-112 for SAIL Financing of Affordable Multifamily Housing Developments to be used in conjunction with Tax-Exempt Bond Financing and Non-Competitive Housing Credits.
CHFA is requesting information from potential applicants of the State Credit for 2016.
CHFA’s LIHTC program compliance manual has been updated as of October 2015.
MFA announced that registration is now open for the 2016 state of New Mexico Qualified Allocation Plan training.
The Internal Revenue Service divided $2.59 million in unused Low Income Housing Tax Credits from calendar year 2015 among 30 states.
Oregon Housing & Community Services presented an updated version of the 2016 draft QAP to the State Housing Council on October 2. OHCS staff is working on revisions based on feedback from the Council.
The 2016 LIHTC 9% application packet is now posted.
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs has posted to its website the DRAFT 2016 HTC Site Demographic Characteristics Report.
Due to the initial timing issues regarding the draft QAP and multifamily rules and, as a result of the short time to turn around revised documents and reflect the additional input provided in public comment, it is likely that there will be questions about these draft rules.
THDA posted the most recent report of Multifamily Tax Exempt Bond Activity, which reveals a significant expansion of the program.
The 2016 QAP Public Hearing will be held at NCHFA’s office on October 14th at 2pm.