Qualified Allocation Plans

Arizona DOH Announces Internal Changes and Developments

The announcements include several new developments within the Arizona Department of Housing: the transfer of the State’s Weatherization Programs to ADOH; the merger of two existing divisions at ADOH (the Public Housing Authority and Housing Compliance divisions); and the establishment of an Asset Management position.

QAP Michigan

Michigan Posts Comments on 2017-18 QAP

Written comments and suggestions for the 2017-2018 QAP that MSHDA received in response to the October 30, 2015 Information Hearing have been added to the “2017-2018 QAP Information Hearing” page of the MSHDA web site.

QAP California

California Incorporates New Tax Credit Program Regulations into 4% Application

The TCAC 4% application and four of the attachments have been updated to incorporate the TCAC regulations adopted October 21.

QAP Iowa

Iowa Posts 2016 HTC Application, Updates 2016 9% LIHTC Documents

The 2016 Housing Tax Credit Application, Exhibits and Appendices are now available on the Iowa Finance Authority web site and will be available through Monday, December 7, 2015 at 4:30 p.m.

QAP Florida

Florida Answers Question on Multifamily Energy Retrofit Program RFA

Florida Housing Finance Corporation answers application question regarding RFA 2015-115 for Multifamily Energy Retrofit Program (MERP).

QAP Colorado

Colorado Updates Post-Year 15 Compliance and Monitoring Plan and Fee

Colorado announced that Post Year 15 monitoring fees will be $25 per tax credit including employee units (not to exceed $2,500 maximum). CHFA also announced that for developments with LIHTC and/or loans through CHFA, managers will not be required to add an increased amount of SS, SSDI, or SSI to Tenant Income Certifications (TICs) effective in 2016.

QAP Texas

Texas Hosts Housing Tax Credit Trainings in San Antonio and McAllen

The Texas Apartment Association and Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs will host a compliance training for the Housing Tax Credit Program on November 10 in San Antonio and November 12 in McAllen.

QAP West Virginia

West Virginia Makes 2015-16 QAP Exhibit A Characteristics Sortable

The West Virginia Housing Development Fund released a sortable Excel version of the Exhibit A to the 2015 and 2016 Qualified Allocation Plan.

QAP North Carolina

New NC Budget Includes Historic Tax Credit

CohnReznick: North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed the state’s new two-year budget into law. The budget contains new historic preservation tax credits through January 1, 2020 for both income-producing and non-income producing historic structures.

QAP Florida

Florida Confirms CNA Not Necessary to Submit Application for RFA 2015-112

A capital needs assessment is not part of the application or scoring process for RFA 2015-112. The Florida Housing-assigned Credit Underwriter will order a capital needs assessment for Applications selected for funding only if the proposed Development involves any rehabilitation units.

QAP Florida

Florida Issues RFA for Multifamily Energy Retrofit Program

Florida Housing Finance Corporation issued RFA 2015-115 Multifamily Energy Retrofit Program. The Application Deadline for RFA 2015-115 is 11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, on November 13, 2015.

QAP Florida

Florida Releases RFA for Housing Credits to Preserve Affordable Housing

Florida Housing Finance Corporation issued RFA No. 2015-111 for Housing Credit Financing for the Preservation of Existing Affordable Multifamily Housing Developments. The Application Deadline for RFA 2015-111 is 11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, on December 4, 2015.

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