Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Maryland

Maryland Leaders Commit $600M to Redeveloping Baltimore City

The elimination of blighted portions of the city will be supported by more than $600 million in financing opportunities, including the Rental Assistance Demonstration program and the issuance of potentially $200 million in revenue bonds.

QAP California

California Announces 2016 LIHTC Workshops

The workshops review 2015-16 regulation changes; the 9% application, attachments, and checklist; and updates from the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee. The workshops will take place in Oakland, Sacramento, San Diego, Los Angeles, and Pasadena.

QAP North Carolina

North Carolina Clarifies 2016 QAP Basis Boost Eligibility

The North Carolina Housing Finance Agency announced that applicants for 2016 low-income housing tax credits are no longer eligible for the 15% Agency designated basis boost as a result of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016.

QAP Virginia

VHC, VCEH Merge to Create Virginia Housing Alliance

The organization’s first Executive Director will be Sim Wimbush, previously the Associate Director of Housing Development for Virginia Veteran and Family Support at the Virginia Department of Veterans Services.

QAP West Virginia

West Virginia Hosts LIHTC Fair Housing, ADA Training

The West Virginia Housing Development Fund will host its 2016 LIHTCP Fair Housing and ADA Training on Thursday, April 21, 2016 at the WVHDF offices. More information will be announced soon.

QAP Texas

Texas Posts 2016 Multifamily Uniform Application

The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Division of Multifamily Finance uses one Uniform Multifamily Application to review and approve requests for funds, including 9% housing tax credits.

QAP Tennessee

Tennessee Answers Questions on 2016 QAP RAD Set-Aside

A recent memo from the agency states that a public housing authority can include non-RAD units in an application for a RAD set aside. A recent memo from the agency states that a public housing authority can include non-RAD units in an application for a RAD set aside. THDA does not specify how many RAD units an application must contain in order to qualify for the set aside. However, THDA is wary of PHA’s and their partners “taking advantage of the set aside by including too few RAD units.”

QAP Washington

Washington Proposes Changes to 2016 Bond, Tax Credit Policies

The Washington State Housing Finance Commission staff are proposing changes to the Bond/Tax Credit Policies for 2016. Comments should be submitted to “AskUsMHCF@wshfc.org” no later than Wed., January 13th, 2016 by 5 PM.

QAP Alabama

Alabama Board Approves 2016 Housing Credit QAP and HOME Action Plan

The Board Approved 2016 HOME Action Plan and 2016 Housing Credit Qualified Allocation Plan are now available on the AHFA website.

QAP Colorado

Colorado Offers New Loan Program with Reduced Rates for Multifamily Developers

CHFA’s FHA Risk Share program provides competitive fixed rate, permanent financing with up to 40-year terms.

QAP Iowa

Iowa Releases Info on 9% LIHTC Housing for the Homeless Demo Set-Aside

The Final 2016 9% LIHTC Housing for the Homeless Demonstration Set-Aside Information is now available on the Iowa Finance Authority web site.

QAP New Mexico

New Mexico Finalizes 2016 QAP

New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority Board of Directors approved modifying the 2016 QAP to return fees to the 2015 QAP levels. The governor approved the 2016 QAP. Tax Credit Application period opens January 11 and closes February 1, 2016.

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