Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Arizona

Arizona Clarifies 2016 QAP, Posts Application Workshop Slides

Arizona Department of Housing posted clarifications to the 2016 QAP and the PowerPoint presentation from its 2016 LIHTC Application Workshop, which was held on January 19, 2016, in Phoenix.

QAP Florida

Florida Issues RFA for Housing Credit, SAIL Financing for Homeless Housing

Florida Housing Finance Corporation issued RFA No. 2016-102 for Housing Credit and SAIL Financing for Homeless Housing Developments Located in Medium and Large Counties. The Application Deadline for RFA 2016-102 is 11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, on March 10, 2016.

QAP Florida

Florida Holds Workshop on NHTF, Financing PSH

Florida Housing will hold a workshop on February 24, focusing on approaches to implementing the National Housing Trust Fund and the agency’s approach to financing permanent supportive housing.

QAP California

California Posts Application Workshop Slides

California Tax Credit Allocation Committee posted the slides from its 2016 TCAC Development Application Workshop.

QAP Rhode Island

Rhode Island Finances First Mortage Under HUD Risk Sharing Program

Rhode Island Housing has financed a development through the FFB Risk Sharing program. Risk Share provides credit enhancement for mortgages of multifamily housing projects whose loans are underwritten, processed, and serviced by HFAs.

QAP Florida

Florida Posts New Draft of RFA 2016-101

A new draft of RFA 2016-101 for HOME Financing to be used for Rental Developments Located in Rural Areas has been posted to the website.

QAP Ohio

Ohio Medicaid Subsidy Demonstration Offers $3M to New Tax Credit Developments

Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) has made available approximately $3 million in funding for 15-year operating subsidies in new housing tax credit projects awarded through the 2016 and 2017 Housing Tax Credit program allocation years.

QAP Idaho

Idaho Opens 2016 LIHTC Second Round Application Period

IHFA will accept applications for 2016 LIHTCs through 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 12. During this Application Period, approximately $1,014,000 in non-targeted annual tax credits will be available for reservation and open to competition from all developments.

QAP Idaho

Idaho Clarifies 2016 QAP Section on Federal Housing Programs, Local Assistance

IHFA clarifies the federal funding programs and government assistance for which developments can earn points.

QAP Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Sets Closing, Construction Deadline for 2016 Tax Credit Awardees

Since PHFA anticipates being significantly oversubscribed with the number of applications versus resources, those developments awarded 2016 tax credits will be required to meet a closing and commencement of construction date of March 31, 2017.

QAP West Virginia

West Virginia Requests Feedback for 2017/18 QAP

The Fund requests that stakeholders submit the top three changes/suggestions that they would like to see in the 2017-18 QAP. Submissions are due to the Fund by no later than Tuesday, February 16.

QAP Alabama

Alabama Hosts HOME/Housing Credit Application Workshop

While attending this seminar is not mandatory, those who participate will receive additional points on each application they submit during the 2016 HOME and Housing Credit program funding cycle.

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