At this time, Florida Housing is not proposing a specific definition of an “area of opportunity” or any particular method of incentivizing development in such areas. The Corporation invites the public to review the materials available on the website and to provide comments and suggestions to help identify areas of opportunity.
The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee estimates that its total federal credit ceiling is $93,025,488 for the year ahead. TCAC also has $60,942,981 in state credits available to allocate.
The awards and grants will go to projects that benefit disadvantaged communities by increasing the accessibility of affordable housing, employment centers, and key destinations via low-carbon transportation.
TCAC posted 2016 applications for 9% Competitive Tax Credits, 4% Competitive Tax-Exempt Bonds Combining Federal and State Tax Credits, and 4% Tax Credits with Tax-Exempt Bond Financing.
West Virginia Housing Development Fund posted the list of HUD Designations of Qualified Census Tracts and Difficult Development Areas for the state of West Virginia in 2016.
West Virginia Housing Development Fund posted the agenda and registration form for its Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program 2016 Application Workshop. The workshop will be held on March 21-22, 2016. Registration forms are due no later than Monday, February 29.
Arizona Department of Housing posted clarifications to the 2016 QAP and the PowerPoint presentation from its 2016 LIHTC Application Workshop, which was held on January 19, 2016, in Phoenix.
Florida Housing Finance Corporation issued RFA No. 2016-102 for Housing Credit and SAIL Financing for Homeless Housing Developments Located in Medium and Large Counties. The Application Deadline for RFA 2016-102 is 11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, on March 10, 2016.
Florida Housing will hold a workshop on February 24, focusing on approaches to implementing the National Housing Trust Fund and the agency’s approach to financing permanent supportive housing.
California Tax Credit Allocation Committee posted the slides from its 2016 TCAC Development Application Workshop.
Rhode Island Housing has financed a development through the FFB Risk Sharing program. Risk Share provides credit enhancement for mortgages of multifamily housing projects whose loans are underwritten, processed, and serviced by HFAs.
A new draft of RFA 2016-101 for HOME Financing to be used for Rental Developments Located in Rural Areas has been posted to the website.