Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP California

California Updates Sustainable Building Method Workbook

The 2016 Workbook has been updated to reflect the TCAC Regulations adopted October 21, 2015.

QAP Massachusetts

Massachusetts Issues NOFA for Mixed-Income Community Demonstration

The State-Aided Public Housing Mixed-Income Community Demonstration Program will fund the planning and pre-development costs associated with developing new moderate or market-rate housing on existing and surplus PHA owned property.

QAP Rhode Island

Rhode Island Governor Proposes $40 Million Housing Opportunities Bond

Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo introduced her FY 2017 budget and proposed a $40 million bond to build homes, create construction jobs, and attract private investment.

QAP California

California Offers Guidance on Determining Rural Status of Site

All applicants for 9% tax credits must document, to the Committee’s satisfaction, the rural or non-rural status of the project.

QAP Kentucky

Kentucky Hosts 2017 QAP Roundtables

As Kentucky Housing Corporation begins developing the Qualified Allocation Plan for fiscal year 2017 Low Income Housing Tax Credits, the KHC welcomes input from developers, syndicators, lenders, and management companies.

QAP Massachusetts

Massachusetts Hosts Rental Round Information Session

DHCD will hold two information sessions for sponsors whose rental pre-applications were approved by the Department in January 2016. Location: DHCD, 100 Cambridge Street, 2nd Floor, Room A Dates/times: Monday, February 22:  11:00 AM Wednesday, February 24:  11:00 AM Because space is limited, we ask that each sponsor/team send no more than two participants to the session of choice.  […]

QAP Michigan

Michigan Clarifies Impact of 9% LIHTC Fixed Credit Rate

A permanent fixed 9% credit rate has multiple immediate effects on the LIHTC Program and the Michigan Qualified Allocation Plan

QAP Wisconsin

Wisconsin Changes Audit Compliance Requirements

The Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority Risk and Compliance Team completed an in depth review of its Multifamily Best Practices. As a result, WHEDA has made changes to its audit guide.

QAP Montana

Montana Will Host 2016 LIHTC Training

Montana will host a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Training on March 23-25 in Missoula, MT.

QAP Alaska

Alaska Seeks Comments for Changes GOAL Program Allocation Plan

GOAL Program funding is designed to provide affordable housing for lower income households, seniors and special needs populations. Comments are due by 5:00 p.m. March 4, 2016.

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana Responds to New 9% Minimum Housing Credit Rate

Louisiana Housing Corporation will use the 9% applicable percentage on IRS Form(s) 8609 for any new building placed in service after December 18, 2015 and which is not federally subsidized. No change in the amount of Low-Income Housing Credits previously awarded or allocated by LHC to buildings placed in service after December 18, 2015 is anticipated.

QAP Florida

Florida Holds Workshop on $5.7 Million Available for Small PSH Developments

Florida Housing will hold a workshop on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. to discuss a Request for Applications to finance the construction, retrofit and/or rehabilitation of small Permanent Supportive Housing Developments that are either Community Residential Homes or Supported Living Units.

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