Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP California

California Seeks to Solve State Credit Over-allocation

California Tax Credit Allocation Committee will hold open forums on December 3 and December 8 in order to gather input to solve a growing problem with state credit allocation. TCAC Executive Director Mark Stivers has already proposed a series of possible solutions.

QAP Colorado

Colorado Issues RFPs to Conduct LIHTC Cost Study

The Colorado Housing Finance Agency issued a request for proposals (RFP) to conduct a comprehensive study of the cost to develop Low-Income Housing Tax Credit housing. Applications are due by March 18 at 4:00pm MTN.

QAP California

California Proposes Policy to Manage Over-Income Tenants in a Resyndication

TCAC and CDLAC developed a proposal to manage the impact of over-income tenants in LIHTC units during a resyndication. They are collecting feedback through March 17.

QAP Delaware

Downtown Development District Grants Available in Delaware

Grant rebates of up to 20 percent are available on qualified investments in commercial, industrial, residential or mixed-use buildings or facilities located within the designed downtown districts in Wilmington, Dover and Seaford. Large Project applications will be due to to the Delaware State Housing Authority by 4 p.m. on Monday, May 16, 2016.

QAP Kentucky

Kentucky Accepts Applications for TEB Projects Through December 29

Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) is now accepting applications for multifamily projects utilizing Tax-Exempt Bonds. Applications will be accepted on an open window basis through Thursday, December 29, 2016. All applications must be submitted through the Universal Funding Application System.

QAP Delaware

Delaware Hosts Forum to Discuss NHTF

A public meeting will be held for the purpose of obtaining the views of interested citizens on housing needs and comments on the NHTF. An Allocation Plan for the NHTF will subsequently be developed and a draft released for public comment.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Solicits Comments on 2018 QAP

The Minnesota Housing released a plan for the distribution of Low-Income Housing Tax Credits in 2018, and is soliciting comments.

QAP Kentucky

Kentucky Considers State Housing Tax Credit

The Kentucky state legislature is considering a bill that would create a new section of KRS Chapter 198A to establish the Kentucky affordable housing credit.

QAP New Hampshire

New Hampshire Holds 2017 QAP Hearing

On Friday, March 18, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority will hold a public hearing on the draft 2017 QAP.

QAP Michigan

Michigan Opens LIHTC Funding Round

The Michigan State Housing Development Authority announced that the second competitive funding round for 2016 Low Income Housing Tax Credit will have an application submission deadline of 5:00 p.m., April 1, 2016.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Holds Mandatory Meeting to Earn Preservation Points in 9% Tax Credit Round

Projects applying for 9% tax credits that intend to claim preservation points in the 2017 QAP must participate in a mandatory technical assistance meeting with Minnesota Housing staff and submit a preservation pre-application.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Kicks-Off Multifamily, HTC, Section 811 Funding Processes

MInnesota posted important deadlines and early documents for its upcoming Multifamily and Housing Tax Credit funding rounds. A new senior housing pilot and Section 811 funding are part of the Multifamily RFP.

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