Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP West Virginia

West Virginia LIHTC Pre-Registration is Due April 7

Any property that is not pre‐registered by April 7 will be unable to apply for tax credits in 2016.

QAP Maryland

Maryland Offers Energy Conservation Retrofit Financing

This opportunity offers multifamily facilities in the Baltimore Gas & Electric utility service territory to receive Energy Conservation Retrofit funding.

QAP Kentucky

Kentucky Posts 2016 Competitive Application Guidelines

The 2016 Competitive Application Guidelines for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) and the Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) Application Score Sheet are now available.

QAP California

California Updates Credit Estimates

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee updated its credit estimates, including set-asides and geographic apportionments, according to the recent release of 2016 population estimates.

QAP Michigan

Michigan Updates QCTs and DDAs for 2016

The list of Qualified Census Tracts (QCTs) and Difficult Development Areas (DDAs) has been updated for 2016. Updates are effective July 1, 2016.

QAP Oregon

Oregon Considers Proposal to Make Vertical Housing Program Rules Permanent

The proposed administrative rules create the program criteria for the Vertical Housing Development Program, which provides local jurisdictions with the opportunity to create vertical housing zones and developers to create vertical housing which is exempt from property taxes. The proposed administrative rules create the program criteria for the Vertical Housing Development Program, which provides local jurisdictions with the opportunity to create vertical housing zones and developers to create vertical housing which is exempt from property taxes. People interested in providing oral or written comments on the proposed rules are invited to attend a public hearing on April 27, 2016.

QAP Arizona

Arizona Incorporates Two New Funding Sources into 2016-17 Plans

Arizona Department of Housing is administering two new funding sources in 2016-2017, the National Housing Trust Fund (approx. $3 million), which will be incorporated into the 2016-2017 Annual Action Plan and the Weatherization Program Fund (approx. $1.3 million) which will have its own 2016-2017
Weatherization Assistance Program State Plan.

QAP Texas

Texas Holds Public Hearings on 2016 9% Housing Tax Credit

The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs posted to its website a schedule for public hearings for purposes of taking public comment on the 2016 Competitive (9%) Housing Tax Credit.

QAP Florida

Florida Issues RFA to Build or Rehab Smaller PSH for Persons with Developmental Disabilities

Florida Housing Finance Corporation issued RFA 2016-105 Financing To Build Or Rehabilitate Smaller Permanent Supportive Housing Properties For Persons With Developmental Disabilities. The Application Deadline for RFA 2016-105 is 11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, on Thursday, May 5, 2016.

QAP Ohio

Ohio Hosts Advisory Group Sessions on NHTF Allocation Plan

OHFA has begun soliciting public input for the NHTF Allocation Plan, starting with the NHTF Public Forum held on Thursday, February 25. OHFA will also hold three smaller working groups in March, April and May.

QAP West Virginia

West Virginia Requests FY-2015 Financial Audits for LIHTC Properties

WVHDF is requesting 2015 Year End Financial Audits for each of the LIHTCP properties in West Virginia by Monday, May 2.

QAP Maryland

Maryland Extends Deadline for Comments on Final Draft QAP

Maryland DHCD opened an opportunity to provide comments to the QAP and Multifamily Rental Financing Program Guide prior to the release of the final draft.

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