As it starts developing the plan, the agency wants your input and asks you to take a survey and respond to three questions that are tied to its strategic priorities.
Mark Stivers, Executive Director of the Tax Credit Allocation Committee, and Jeree Glasser-Hedrick, Executive Director of the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee, released a finalized approach to managing over-income tenants in Low-Income Housing Tax Credit projects during a resyndication.
Both hearings will be held at NDHFA’s office, 2624 Vermont Ave., Bismarck, ND.
TDHCA will hold a Roundtable meeting on Tuesday, May 10, 2016, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Austin local time, to gather stakeholder input for the National Housing Trust Fund Allocation Plan to be submitted to HUD.
The board of directors of the Louisiana Housing Corporation elected Lloyd “Buddy” Spillers as its new chairman of the board and appoint E. Keith Cunningham, Jr. as Interim Executive Director and General Counsel.
The proposed demonstration RFA will provide forgivable loans of up to $750,000 to non-profit Applicants to finance small rental housing developments of no more than 10 units to serve as permanent housing to extremely low and low income homeless households.
New York Homes and Community Renewal released its Multifamily Open Window RFP for capital sources primarily available to projects financed by HFA tax-exempt bonds.
Minnesota Housing is making available $12.9 million in 2017 Housing Tax Credits Round 1, deferred loans, rental assistance and operating support, and other funding sources. Intent to Apply is due June 2. Applications are due June 16.
Florida Housing provided an explanation of ongoing analysis of Qualified Census Tracts, as well as example data and maps, on its website.
In order to apply for funding through the Housing Trust Fund, a Non-Profit entity must be approved by SC Housing.
The Annual Action Plan is part of the five-year strategy that was adopted in 2015 and is a prerequisite to receive federal funding for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program and the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). The Plan includes an allocation plan for the use of potential funds from the National Housing Trust Fund.
Attendees will learn about the housing development process, real estate terminology, selection of contract service providers, cost containment, and more.