The plan includes set-asides for “high priority projects,” as determined by the Board, as well as housing for individuals with disabilities.
The Plan includes National Housing Trust Fund, Small Cities CDBG, HOME Investment Partnerships Program, Emergy Solutions Grants, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS.
As of May 26, HMFA will prioritize Superstorm Sandy projects receiving Fund for the Restoration of Multifamily Housing (FRM) and/or Sandy Special Needs Housing Fund (SSNHF) funds and Non-Sandy projects that have received an HMFA commitment.
Kentucky released the draft Qualified Allocation Plan for fiscal years 2017-2018. To solicit feedback, KHC invites partners to register for an upcoming forum.
The Alabama state legislature failed to renew the state’s historic tax credit program before the end of the 2016 legislative session. HB 62, the seven year extension bill, had tremendous support and passed in the Alabama House but was held up in the Alabama Senate by Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh due to budget concerns.
Topics they would appreciate seeing addressed include “how recipients should be selected and what qualifications they should have; preferences based on geographic diversity; and how within the federal guidelines these funds should be used.”
The Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC) has recently published several documents including proposed rules, applications and certifications all to be submitted for approval on June 24, 2016. A draft 2016 QAP is expected this week.
The Multifamily Finance Division of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs is holding a planning session for the 2017 Qualified Allocation Plan on 5/25/2016.
All interested persons may submit written data, views and comments in connection with the proposed amendments to the LIHTC Qualified Allocation Plan and/or LIHTC Procedures no later than June 10, 2016. CHFA will hold a public hearing on the LIHTC Qualified Allocation Plan on May 25, 2016 at 10 a.m.
Idaho Housing and Finance Association’s Multifamily Finance Department will conduct a Developer Forum to discuss the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Qualified Allocation Plan prior to a formal hearing. IHFA will host the meeting at its office on Friday, June 3 from 9:30am to 11:30am MST.
HB-1465 extends the program through 2019 and authorizes CHFA to allocate $5 million in state LIHTC annually in 2017, 2018, and 2019. Without passage of HB-1465, the state LIHTC program would have sunset at the end of this calendar year.
Completed applications are due to by 4 p.m. on June 15, 2016. Applicants who submit Proposal applications that DSHA deems successful will be invited to submit a Final application that will be due to DSHA by August 19, 2016.